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Rick says-- This is where QUICK SOCRATIC DIALOG comes into play-- as I was referring to earlier. So there's this clerk that I encounter enough to be familiar enough to small-talk to. She's all masked up. I shout out to my South Korean buddy employee who I joke around with all the time... I say... "Take off your masK!" ... he's wearing this blue mask. Others hear me. I smile and give him a hand signal, like rip your mask off. I continue "It's over-- there's no pandemic!". I use the technique of shouting out to buddies things that are true so others overhear me... in public.
The masked women says "my friend got sick"... I retorted "not from covid... there is not covid... it's a hoax... look up covid hoax, you'll see". Then I remembered that the CDC is dropping the PCR test... so I said something like "CDC says PCR doesn't work"... as if anyone understood what I was saying. It was busy and noisy... and my voice was slightly elevated. I'm sure I looked a bit foolish to many reciting acronymns like that that they likely don't know the meaning of. I could have said "The test gives false positives".... as if regular shoppers would even know that much. Communication is impossible these days.
I didn't respond the way I could have better responded. But in the heat of the moment... it's hard to be Socratic. I should have said... people get sick but how does she know its covid? Already... too complicated in a grocery line on a busy Saturday.