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    Topic review (newest first):

    9/09/2021 8:53 pm

    Rick says... I like to look back at previous contacts, situations and venues--- to see where they're at on covid. Today I travelled back to the late 1970s when I was at University of Waterloo...

    Hi Mike Gourlay. I'm a past student at UWloo, but stayed at Conrad Grebel with friends at St. Jerome in the late 1970's. I just took the online covid survey for guests to campus through the screen sequence and registred my name as non-compliant. In the process, I read some of the St. Jerome pages on covid and it appears you're all buying into the so-called vax. Of course, at this point I'm not surprised, HOWEVER!!! ....

    Let's say YOU are uncomfortable with the direction things are going. You might be. Who knows? We have a tyrannical medical dictatorship descending upon us, it seems, based on a "drill" or a fake "pandemic". Without "arguing" about it, I would like to INVITE you to my blog here...

    As somewhat of an alumni of UWloo, having transferred to Mac-- I feel obligated to "assist" fellow academics (thinkers).... to "offer" a "helping hand" to a level of "truth" that might contradict the current political ethos of getting injected with graphene oxide.

    I have fond memories of academic debates and I think we can still have them given this email technology. I like to throw some bait out to potential freedom fighters at least once a day and today was YOUR day! How about that! Haha. Of course, I don't expect to hear from you but you're free to troll my blog anytime. We all have to resist in our own way-- and having been raised Catholic myself, I know that that can come from a heart felt place we can't reveal. May the force of God and angels be at your side. Congratulations on getting my once-a-day invitation!!!

    Rick Potvin



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