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People get sick for one reason and one reason only: toxins, which act as poisons, within the body. There are only three possible ways for toxins to be outside or inside of the body:
1.) Manmade non-organic toxins such as heavy metals, plastics, chemicals, preservatives, alcohol, smoke and fumes within the lungs, artificial preservatives, colorings and dyes within the body or on the skin and NOW-- ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION which was the actual origina of "Spanish Flu" and lately the people falling down in Wuhan due to new 5G switch on.
2.) Natural organic biological invaders such as bacteria, fungus, molds and parasites, which can invade the skin and the body and combine with manmade toxins to fester within or without of the body to create sores, infections, illnesses, diseases and death.
3.) Cell debris and fragments of DNA within the body that naturally occur as a result of cell death and deterioration.
Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895) Father Of "Germ Theory" Admitted He Was Wrong "Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything." - Louis Pasteur
Radiation also causes cell damage, which can cause an immune system response. Radiation can also result in cell death. For these reasons many have postulated that radiation poisoning and radiation sickness is a bonified basis for human illness and death. The increased electrification and radiation of our world with radar and radio systems began in the early 1900s just before the so-called "Spanish Flu" outbreak, which killed more than 50,000,000 people. Wireless radiation systems and radio waves have climaxed in the year 2020 with the release of dangerous 5G technology in Wuhan, China, and throughout the world. Since 5G was implemented within a year or so of the so-called "coronavirus global pandemic," it is certainly reasonable to suspect a correlation.
Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895) Father Of "Germ Theory" Admitted He Was Wrong "Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything." - Louis Pasteur.
All of the above are dealt with through the body's natural process of phagocytosis, which is the human immune system acting as a vacuum cleaner and filtration system within the blood and tissues going about the job of engulfing all such toxins, emulsifying them and turning them into solvents to rid them from the body through perspiration, mucus excretions, stool and urine. When the buildup of toxins is extreme, illnesses ensue. This results in more extreme ways in which the body is reacting to the toxins and endeavoring to rid them from the body, which may include fever, vomiting and diarrhea. If the immune system has been weakened and impaired illnesses and diseases will be far more extreme and the likelihood of death will be much greater.
Exosomes are tiny microscopic vesicles that are excreted from cells when certain toxins (poisons) are present in the body. They go out to engulf the toxins (poisons) to help protect and heal the cells and the body. These vesicles have been wrongfully referred to as "viruses" simply because of their size, appearance and the way they behave. This is a seemingly deliberate misinterpretation of exosomes in an effort to rationalize the existence of "viruses," which otherwise would not exist.
The CONCEPT of “viruses” and “viral contagion” was, and is, a cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, devilishly devised, strategically fabricated means of funneling billions of taxpayer-funded dollars into the education, medical and pharmaceutical industries, which has been sanctioned throughout the years by the many corrupt career politicians who have been in bed with, and in the back pockets of, the corporate executives who own and control these industries. But not just these industries. There are a great many corporations who profit in the billions annually by creating products that are harmful to human health and wellness. [including "infectious disease" experts - Rick adds]
White blood cells, also called leukocytes, protect us against illness and disease. They flow through our bloodstream to fight foreign invaders (bacteria, mold, parasites) and toxic waste (poisons) that threaten our health. Alcohol kills white blood cells. [I'll be careful with my beer. -Rick] Drugs kill white blood cells. Radiation kills white blood cells. Since our white blood cells help to keep us healthy and well, why kill them? Keep your immune system strong by taking good care of your health.
The alcohol industry profits in the billions annually. The tobacco industry profits in the billions annually. Frankly, the junk food industries do too. How many types of businesses might you imagine that will encompass? The bottom line is this: People are getting sick, and ultimately dying miserable deaths, as a result of their consumption. The things they put into their minds and bodies is wreaking havoc upon their health and wellbeing. Do politicians care? No. Maybe a handful. Do executives of companies that make billions of dollars per year in profits selling products that contribute to failing health, sicknesses and disease care? No. In fact, these corrupt politicians and corporate executives who are making billions of dollars per year in profits need a scapegoat to blame.
They all need something to place the blame upon, rather than losing their billions of dollars in government funding and their corporate profits. The education, medical and pharmaceutical industries want to keep receiving their billions of dollars each year in government taxpayer-funded revenues for their so-called research and non-profit organizations. The big corporations want a reason for illnesses and deaths that is something other than the products they are producing and selling. Alas: The “Virus” and “Viral Contagion.”
Aside from their multi-billion dollar per year motivations and incentives, their ultimate objective is to establish government-mandated forced vaccinations upon every man, woman and child. With ever-evolving advancements in technologies, which is allegedly some 50 years ahead of public knowledge, vaccines will most likely contain nanotechnology microchips with 24x7x365 tracking capabilities. Concepts of "viruses," "viral contagion" and "global pandemics" have proven to be the perfect weapon for creating fear, mass hysteria and global control over the people. It will go hand-in-hand with government controlled social engineering. Will you submit, or fight back? How to fight back? Here is how: The PATRIOT ACTION PLAN.
Please share this site for the benefit of others. Thanks! An Overview Of The "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" Hoax "Viruses" Do Not Exist - They Are A Strategic ConceptThis website was published to let people know that "viruses" have never been proven to exist. Unless and until they have been proven to exist - they do not exist. The cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, concepts of "viruses" and "viral contagion" are being strategically used to scare and shame people into submissively wearing face masks. They will soon be used to scare and shame people into receiving dangerous and deadly vaccines. We published this website to inform and rally True Americans and Patriots so they will push back against the evil agenda of government-mandated forced vaccinations[/url]. Scientifically speaking, a "virus" has never been isolated. What we know for certain is that so-called "viruses," which the scientists who are bought and paid for by mega corporations refer to as "non-living particles," are nothing more than bits and pieces of cell debris from expired cells. If and when the day comes that they can isolate an alleged "virus," place it in a dish with cells and develop a video recorder that can record what can currently only be seen as still images of microscopic specs under a scanning electron microscope, so we can watch a "virus" in real time from start to finish invading and infecting cells as has been proffered to the public - rather than assuming that scanned images of DNA and RNA from bits and pieces of expired cells are "viruses" - that will be a good start. Then they will still have to prove "contagion" exists. In fact, they will have to go to the local grocery store with their high-tech microscopic video recorder and record the "non-living particles" called "viruses" on shopping cart handles. Oh, and don't give us Hollywood animations either. If YOU believe "viruses" exist - and that's all it is, a "belief" - then review, analyze, contemplate and digest the information published within this website to get informed because the real question for YOU is: Do you "believe" in vaccines (harmful chemicals and aborted baby parts being injected into your body)? They intend to use the CONCEPT of "viruses" to establish government-mandated forced vaccinations upon every man, woman and child. The [url= ]vaccines[/url] will be a serum laced with nanotech microchips that will work in conjunction with high frequency [url= ]5G radiation[/url] waves for easy tagging and tracking of the herd of humanity. They will also be able to send out various signals and amplify frequencies to make people sick and/or kill them. Then they will claim the deaths are from a "virus." How convenient is that? Are you going to be part of their herd? If not, [url= ]JOIN THE RESISTANCE[/url]. [img] ,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rs=w:400,cg:true[/img]The Greatest Lie Ever ToldTHE GREATEST LIE EVER TOLDAn abundance of information has been compiled within this website for those interested in the truth behind the "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" HOAX, "viruses," "contagion" and "illnesses." This recent [url= ]Blog[/url] presents a good overview of what we're fighting against and how you can help. Most people do not even know what a "virus" is. They only know what they have been taught or told a "virus" is. Even at that, they have a very limited and vague knowledge and understanding of what a "virus" is. When you consider the broad reaching scope to which viruses allegedly impact human lives, you would think that would be the number one study for every human being on the planet. Think about it. An "invisible phantom enemy"? An unseen perpetrator of illnesses and deaths in the tens of millions? Is there really such an invisible perpetrator? Or is the CONCEPT of "viruses" simply that: a CONCEPT... a cleverly concocted and cunningly crafted conspiracy to control all countries... a strategically fabricated "invisible phantom enemy" that can be used to shut down and lock down all of society throughout the entire world... a devilishly devised deterrent to the destiny of humanity whereby the powers-that-be can easily strip people of their Freedoms, Liberties, Rights and Livelihoods through feigned "global pandemics"... the picture-perfect principle whereby government-mandated forced [url= ]vaccinations[/url] may be perpetrated upon every man, woman and child? The Greatest Lie Ever ToldSo-called "Viruses" were Assumed, Not ProvenFor those who want to learn more about so-called "viruses" and what is really going on with this "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" - a pre-planned economic shutdown - watch the videos on this website. The more you watch, the more you will know with full confidence this is a manufactured event. It has instilled fear within people and robbed them of their Freedoms, Liberties, Rights and Livelihoods. Dr. Andrew Kaufman (top three videos to the right), is a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and Molecular Biologist who received his training and degrees from Duke University, MIT and South Carolina Medical University. He says there are no such things as "viruses" and this is a "manufactured event." The man who invented the email system and has several degrees in engineering and biology, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, is a PhD from MIT. He has called this a "hoax based upon false science." Dr. T.C. Fry and Health Practitioner, Tom Barnett, also say there are no such things as "viruses" - not as "invisible phantom enemies" or green and red "monster blobs" that are depicted in illustrations and animations. That is just propaganda. There is only the "viral process" of the body's own cells engulfing cell debris and toxins (poisons) to rid them from the body. The Latin origin of the word "virus" means "poison." Toxins (poisons) within the body is the only reason [url= ]why people get sick and die[/url] - not from "invisible phantom enemies" called "viruses." The definition of the word "virus" gradually changed over time to suit the agendas of the very profitable education, medical, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. See [url= ]The Poisoned Needle[/url] The Greatest Lie Ever ToldThis is a contrived & Manufactured eventThere are [url= ]many scientists, professors and doctors that dispute the mainstream "virus" hypothesis, especially HIV (AIDS)[/url]. They are all correct. True science and the data supports their position, as well as logic, reason and common sense. Let's take a step back to the 1930s... Research into "viruses" surely must have had innocent and noble beginnings immediately following the invention of the scanning electron microscope, when they were finally able to see tiny microscopic particles within and without of cells for the first time. However, taxpayer-funded revenues in the millions were being procured from the government for ongoing research. It is certain that efforts to maintain and even increase such procurements of government funding, which currently ranges in the billions of dollars annually, spawned an equally new, albeit unscientific, process of manipulating, conspiring, twisting and contorting scientific and medical findings in an effort to maintain that funding. The vaccine industry, which was already well underway, also desired to foster and bolster their profits-driven plans. The perfect partnership was established for assuming and asserting that microscopic particles were disease causing microbes. Thus, the cleverly concocted and cunningly crafted concepts of "viruses" and "contagion" were consummated. In the decades that followed an array of strategically fabricated aspirations and ambitions have been carried out. That Modus Operandi continues to this day. Their current aspirations and ambitions are to establish government-mandated forced vaccinations for every person on earth. Tens-of-billions of taxpayer-funded government dollars are funneled into the education, medical and pharmaceutical industries each year, as well as their tax-exempt non-profit organizations. Much of it is unaccounted for. Now back to 2020 and the "coronavirus global pandemic"... "Viruses" and "Viral Contagion" are cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, devilishly devised "CONCEPTS" that were strategically fabricated in order to funnel billions of dollars every year into the education, medical, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, as well as to create uncertainty, confusion and fear in people in order to manipulate and control them. "Those particles of DNA called 'viruses' are nothing more than mitochondrial debris from expired body cells - daily we lose hundreds of billions of cells from our organism of 75 trillion. Most of this cellular loss is replaced. Now that a destructive and malevolent enemy has been pronounced the villain, an enemy that transcends all and afflicts the moral as well as the immoral, the stage is set for general public hysteria as a buildup for the entry of all sorts of products on the scene... especially vaccines." - Dr. T.C. Fry, 1989 That includes face masks, gloves, face shields, ventilators, hand sanitizers, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. - little did Dr. T.C. Fry know. He also said: "Without viruses and viral contagion the medical and pharmaceutical industries are dead." The education, medical, pharmaceutical, chemical and paper products industries all fair well with the contrived concept of viruses - at your expense. The governments also fair well with government control - at your expense. Indeed, the only things that can be seen under a scanning electron microscope within and without of cells are cell debris from expired cells. Also, some scientists and doctors purport that [url= ]exosomes[/url] are excreted from cells to gobble up poisons and carry them back to the cells to be transported out of the body. There are no such things as "viruses." In fact, it is an utterly nonsensical and ridiculous claim to assert that non-living particles called "viruses" have infected the entire world. Even more ridiculous to assert that such "non-living particles" can "live" on shopping carts at grocery stores. It seems people's minds have returned to the dark ages of sorcery, witchcraft, voodoo and evil spirits. Please Share This Website For The Benefit Of AllThis website was constructed and published for the benefit of all human beings. It exists particularly and especially for those who know with full confidence that the lying FAKE NEWS mainstream media, which includes every single channel you can turn to on a television set (including CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and even FOX NEWS), is indeed a propaganda producing mouthpiece for those who control the world. All of the highly paid TV commentators, anchors, reporters and spokespersons who work for these media outlets are paid high salaries and given shrewd tactical narratives designed to shape the minds of the people, most often with exaggerations, sensationalism and even outright LIES. This is your one-stop portal for information on the GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD: the CONCEPT of "viruses" and "viral contagion." We are here to provide information you will NEVER get from the television. We are here to help establish a resistance to a pre-planned assault upon humanity in the form of TOTAL CONTROL via the scary CONCEPT of "viruses" and the inevitable impending perpetration of government-mandated forced vaccinations and technological [url= ]Social Engineering[/url]. Watch the videos on our [url= ]Vaccines[/url] page and you will know and understand why you do not want to be vaccinated. FIRST, BE SURE TO WATCH THE INSIGHTFUL VIDEOS BELOW FROM Health Practitioner, Tom Barnett and Dr. T.C. Fry. Please [url= ]DONATE[/url] and/or grab an item in our [url= ]SHOP[/url] to help keep our efforts going and to share the good news about the existence of this website. We are doing all we can to expose and fight against corruption and lies. Join us by becoming a [url= ]Patriot Action Warrior[/url] in your state. We are doing all we can to expose and fight against corruption and lies and to share information, knowledge and truth. Please support us and help us with our efforts. Thank You! Together we can fight back against this unconstitutional SCAM with the [url= ]Patriot Action Plan[/url]. JOIN THE RESISTANCE[img] ,cg:true,m[/img]Social Media CensorshipThe video below, by [url= ]Tom Barnett[/url], was uploaded to YouTube on March 31, 2020 and received more than 100,000 views within 24 hours. It was removed by YouTube the following day. Why? Several people wisely video recorded the original upload and it continues going viral. Mike Singer made the Facebook post and video below elaborating on [url= ]WHY and HOW the "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" could even be a HOAX. Facebook banned him from posting for 30 days. YouTube removed his video also. Why?[img] ,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rs=w:400,cg:true[/img]Can You "Catch A Virus"? - Tom Barnett, M.D. How & Why A "Global Pandemic" Hoax What Is A "Virus"... Really? - Dr. T.C. Fry Your One Stop Portal For The Truth About "Viruses"THIS WEBSITE PROVIDES THE MOST UP-TO-DATE, COMPELLING AND COMPLETE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO GIVE YOU THE RESOURCES YOU NEED TO REFUTE AND STAND AGAINST THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT POWERS THAT ARE STRIPPING YOU OF YOUR FREEDOMS, LIBERTIES, RIGHTS AND LIVELIHOODS THROUGH THE USE OF A STRATEGICALLY FABRICATED "INVISIBLE PHANTOM ENEMY": THE "CORONAVIRUS GLOBAL PANDEMIC" HOAXDon't Believe Us? How About This MIT PhD, Dr. Shiva?Wake Up People. Take Your Freedoms, Liberties, Rights And Livelihoods Back! Connect With Us Published April 2020Updated Dailywww.TheBigVirusHoax.comEmail us at: TheBigVirusHoax@Gmail.comCopyright © 2020 TheBigVirusHoax - All Rights Reserved. Homepage 2Please share this page for the benefit of all. Thanks! THE TRUTH BEHIND THE CORONAVIRUS GLOBAL PANDEMICIf you are liberal or conservative this website is for you. If you are a Democrat, Republican or Libertarian this website is for you. If you are an intelligent, thinking, compassionate human being who appreciates individual sovereignty, freedom, liberty and human rights this website is for you. This website was published for the benefit of all of humanity. This website is dedicated to providing valuable information and insights into the current "coronavirus global pandemic" that has shut down the world, hijacked and decimated the U.S. economy and stripped the American people of their Constitutional Freedoms, Liberties, Rights and Livelihoods. Most people believe there is an actual "virus" that is the cause of this global shutdown. That is not true. Statistically, 500,000 to 1,000,000 people die worldwide every year from the regular "flu." But they don't shut down the world. When there were only 3,000 alleged deaths from the so-called "coronavirus" they began heralding a "global pandemic" through all the mainstream media networks. They claim the reason for this is because the coronavirus is a faster spreading virus. But that is just a strategic justification for their actions. As you will discover within this website viruses are not even what people have been told they are. Furthermore, if they were truly concerned about the welfare of the people they would be doing more to promote healthy living and strengthening the human immune system, rather than pushing, selling and seeking to establish government mandated forced vaccinations[/url] for every man, woman and child.[img] ,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rs=w:400,cg:true[/img]Government-Mandated Forced VaccinationsThe World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) via their mouthpiece, Dr. Anthony Fauci, have initiated their pre-planned "global pandemic" narrative... a strategically fabricated invisible phantom enemy... a HOAX... to lay the foundation for worldwide government mandated vaccinations. Many are suggesting this "coronavirus global pandemic" is indeed a HOAX that has laid the perfect foundation for establishing government mandated forced vaccinations upon every man, woman and child. They will use this HOAX to herald the following narrative: "Look what happened with COVID19. Look how devastating these viruses and global pandemics can be. They turn the whole system upside down. Everything falls apart and goes into shambles. People get ill and die in masses. People lose their businesses. We cannot afford this. We can't let this happen again. You must be responsible and do your patriotic duty by getting vaccinated and acquiring your vaccination certificate. In fact, if you do not, you will be deemed a threat to society. Plus, you will be denied access to public resources. Go get your shot now!" Some people are heralding the notion that the recent implementation of 5G technology is making people sick and killing them with radiation poisoning. There is strong evidence of that. Additionally, every time we post a link to Facebook or YouTube where such information is (was) available Facebook and YouTube censor and remove it. Some people believe blaming China is a "cover story" to not only hide the truth but establish a foundation to go to war. That is also highly likely. We address all these issues within this website. NOTE: The information and knowledge provided within this website is highly valuable. Much of it is withheld from the public by the "powers that be" and their mainstream media mouthpieces, which they own and control. Please help make others aware by telling your family and friends about this website, encouraging them to visit and sharing links to this website via email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media you use. You can use either: or Let's begin with the "virus" HOAX.[img] ,cg:true,m[/img]WHAT ARE VIRUSES?Are viruses real? Or are they a hoax?What is a virus? Are they what you have been told?Are viruses alive? Are they living organisms that can invade and infect your body?Or are they non-living particles that "can do nothing, until they...?" ARE THESE IMAGES OF ACTUAL VIRUSES?OR ARE THEY MASTERFULLY ILLUSTRATED 3D WORKS OF ARTTHAT HAVE BEEN STRATEGICALLY DESIGNED AND INTENDED TO CREATE FEAR AND PANIC,BY WHICH TO CONTROL SOCIETY?3D Images & Animations Are Fakery To Instill Fear In People [img] ,m,cg:true[/img][img] ,m,cg:true[/img][img] ,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rs=w:370,m,cg:true[/img][img] ,m,cg:true[/img][img] ,m,cg:true[/img][img] ,m,cg:true[/img]INFLUENCING HUMAN MINDS The vast majority of people only know and understand what they have been told concerning viruses. They only know and understand what they have been steered into knowing and understanding by the "powers that be" within this world who own and control the profitable education and medical industries, as well as the lying mainstream media that spews out strategically engineered CONCEPTS of what viruses are... and what they can do. Here is what we, and many others in the fields of science and medicine, know viruses really are and what they can and cannot do: - "Viruses are strategically fabricated invisible phantom monsters, or 'enemies,' that have been used to funnel billions of government tax payer dollars into the education and medical industries." - "The mere CONCEPT of "viruses" causes people to rely and depend upon the medical industry and the government to protect them. Alleged "viruses" are an invisible enemy that people cannot see, understand or defend themselves against."" - "Viruses are conveniently used to manipulate and control the minds of humanity through fear." - "Viruses and their counterpart 'vaccines' are patented by pharmaceutical companies and cleverly used to make billions of dollars in profits each year."[img] ,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rs=w:400,cg:true[/img][img] ,cg:true,m[/img]MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIES, SOCIAL MEDIA CENSORSHIP AND POWER HUNGRY POLITICIANSIt is no secret, and certainly not a "tin foil hat conspiracy theory" to say that the mainstream media lies. At best they thrive on exaggerations and sensationalism. At worst they stoop to the depths of divisiveness, conflict and fear mongering in order to generate captivating stories and gain ratings. Corrupt carrer politicians love to ride their waves of panic. Do YOU believe the mainstream media lies? Do YOU believe the mainstream media exaggerates? Do YOU believe the mainstream media sensationalizes? Do YOU believe the mainstream media is driven by political bias and financial incentives that shape their narratives? It is also no secret, and certainly not a "tin foil hat conspiracy theory" to say that social media companies like Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twittter and others censor and dictate what can and cannot be posted and published on their platforms. Have YOU ever had a Facebook post you published or YouTube video you uploaded removed because it wasn't in harmony with the views and opinions of the administrators of those platforms? Did YOU consider that to be unfair? Did YOU consider that to be a violation of the spirit of the 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech and Freedom of Expression? Of course you agree it is no secret, and certainly not a "tin foil hat conspiracy theory" to say that career politicians too often become corrupt and are in bed with mega corporations and giant tech companies like Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twittter. Do YOU believe career politicians lie?Additional Information When researching to obtain information about "viruses," asking such questions as: "What are viruses made of?"... "Are viruses living organisms?"... "Are viruses alive?"... "Can you see viruses under a microscope?"... etc. it is revealing and concerning to discover that viruses are nothing at all like the scary little green and red monster blobs that are presented to the public at large since they were children in kindergarten. What you will discover is that viruses are "non-living particles" up to "500 times smaller than bacteria" and "can only be seen with an electron microscope." The contradictions that are present in such research on Google and from one book to another is overwhelming and alarming. Ask what you need to see viruses and you are told: "Electron microscope." Ask when the electron microscope was invented, and you are told: "1931." Ask when viruses were discovered, which you can only see under an electron microscope, and you are told: "1895." After being told viruses are "non-living particles" you are told in one sentence: "Viruses can do NOTHING until they move over to a cell and attack it by latching onto it, penetrating into it and mass replicating itself inside of the cell." "Can do nothing" makes sense since they are "non-living particles." "Move over to, attack, latch onto, penetrate and self replicate" are all things that only a living organism can do. Viruses are "not living organisms." Viruses are "non-living particles." Are they really even that? What are viruses really? Do they really even exist? Perhaps the answer to that question can be found in the following revelation. The human immune system has cells that attack foreign matter and help to rid the body of cell debris and toxins. Phagocytosis is the process by which a cell uses its plasma membrane to engulf a large particle, giving rise to an internal compartment called the phagosome. It is one type of endocytosis. In a multicellular organism's immune system, phagocytosis is a major mechanism used to remove pathogens and cell debris. Perhaps the "powers that be" have used this process as an opportunity to misinterpret and mislead the public. Essentially, being able to see such miniscule cell debris, pathogens and toxins within cells under an electron microscope they conveniently interpret and manipulate the process into a strategically devised invisible phantom monster or "enemy" that they can use to create global pandemics... and, of course, sell vaccines. "The real cause of sickness is always enervation due to the toxemic state of the bloodstream and body in general. Pneumonia doesn’t happen overnight, it starts with much milder symptoms (such as a cold) that can be dealt with properly to cooperate with the body, give it the ability to catch up on its eliminative backlog, and restore homeostatic balance. When these simple symptoms are not responded to correctly, the body must resort to more severe symptoms, and that is why more serious sicknesses such as bronchitis, 'flu', and pneumonia are experienced." - ADDITIONAL RESOURCES For those who want additional "expert" opinions from within the fields of science and medicine, consider the following: "If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document." - Dr. Kary Mullis, Biochemist, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. "Up to today there is actually no single scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV. Not even once such a retrovirus has been isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology." - Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sanger, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology, Max-Planck-Institutes for Biochemistry, Munchen. For those who like information, or need more information in order to resolve their own cognitive dissonance, if experiencing such, after discovering that "viruses" are NOT REAL and are nothing more than a money-making SHAM - the most comprehensive source of information concerning the strategically fabricated myth of "viruses" and "viral contagion" and "vaccinations" can be discovered and enjoyed at: [url= ]The Poisoned Needle. Scroll down and behold the abundance of historic information. You need more information? You need more data? You need more science? You need more history? There it is. The Blogs, articles, posts, videos and information published within this website serve to provide a modern-day perspective and understanding, which concurs with the science and the history. We are the portal that brings it all together._____________________________________________________________[img] ,cg:true,m[/img]Connect With UsCopyright © 2020 TheBigVirusHoax - All Rights Reserved.
The Big Virus Hoax
Please share this site for the benefit of others. Thanks!
An Overview Of The "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" Hoax
"Viruses" Do Not Exist - They Are A Strategic Concept
This website was published to let people know that "viruses" have never been proven to exist. Unless and until they have been proven to exist - they do not exist. The cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, concepts of "viruses" and "viral contagion" are being strategically used to scare and shame people into submissively wearing face masks. They will soon be used to scare and shame people into receiving dangerous and deadly vaccines. We published this website to inform and rally True Americans and Patriots so they will push back against the evil agenda of government-mandated forced vaccinations.
Scientifically speaking, a "virus" has never been isolated. What we know for certain is that so-called "viruses," which the scientists who are bought and paid for by mega corporations refer to as "non-living particles," are nothing more than bits and pieces of cell debris from expired cells. If and when the day comes that they can isolate an alleged "virus," place it in a dish with cells and develop a video recorder that can record what can currently only be seen as still images of microscopic specs under a scanning electron microscope, so we can watch a "virus" in real time from start to finish invading and infecting cells as has been proffered to the public - rather than assuming that scanned images of DNA and RNA from bits and pieces of expired cells are "viruses" - that will be a good start. Then they will still have to prove "contagion" exists. In fact, they will have to go to the local grocery store with their high-tech microscopic video recorder and record the "non-living particles" called "viruses" on shopping cart handles. Oh, and don't give us Hollywood animations either. If YOU believe "viruses" exist - and that's all it is, a "belief" - then review, analyze, contemplate and digest the information published within this website to get informed because the real question for YOU is: Do you "believe" in vaccines (harmful chemicals and aborted baby parts being injected into your body)?
They intend to use the CONCEPT of "viruses" to establish government-mandated forced vaccinations upon every man, woman and child. The vaccines will be a serum laced with nanotech microchips that will work in conjunction with high frequency 5G radiation waves for easy tagging and tracking of the herd of humanity. They will also be able to send out various signals and amplify frequencies to make people sick and/or kill them. Then they will claim the deaths are from a "virus." How convenient is that? Are you going to be part of their herd? If not, JOIN THE RESISTANCE.
The Greatest Lie Ever Told
An abundance of information has been compiled within this website for those interested in the truth behind the "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" HOAX, "viruses," "contagion" and "illnesses." This recent Blog presents a good overview of what we're fighting against and how you can help.
Most people do not even know what a "virus" is. They only know what they have been taught or told a "virus" is. Even at that, they have a very limited and vague knowledge and understanding of what a "virus" is. When you consider the broad reaching scope to which viruses allegedly impact human lives, you would think that would be the number one study for every human being on the planet. Think about it. An "invisible phantom enemy"? An unseen perpetrator of illnesses and deaths in the tens of millions? Is there really such an invisible perpetrator? Or is the CONCEPT of "viruses" simply that: a CONCEPT... a cleverly concocted and cunningly crafted conspiracy to control all countries... a strategically fabricated "invisible phantom enemy" that can be used to shut down and lock down all of society throughout the entire world... a devilishly devised deterrent to the destiny of humanity whereby the powers-that-be can easily strip people of their Freedoms, Liberties, Rights and Livelihoods through feigned "global pandemics"... the picture-perfect principle whereby government-mandated forced vaccinations may be perpetrated upon every man, woman and child?
The Greatest Lie Ever Told
So-called "Viruses" were Assumed, Not Proven
For those who want to learn more about so-called "viruses" and what is really going on with this "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" - a pre-planned economic shutdown - watch the videos on this website. The more you watch, the more you will know with full confidence this is a manufactured event. It has instilled fear within people and robbed them of their Freedoms, Liberties, Rights and Livelihoods. Dr. Andrew Kaufman (top three videos to the right), is a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and Molecular Biologist who received his training and degrees from Duke University, MIT and South Carolina Medical University. He says there are no such things as "viruses" and this is a "manufactured event." The man who invented the email system and has several degrees in engineering and biology, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, is a PhD from MIT. He has called this a "hoax based upon false science." Dr. T.C. Fry and Health Practitioner, Tom Barnett, also say there are no such things as "viruses" - not as "invisible phantom enemies" or green and red "monster blobs" that are depicted in illustrations and animations. That is just propaganda. There is only the "viral process" of the body's own cells engulfing cell debris and toxins (poisons) to rid them from the body. The Latin origin of the word "virus" means "poison." Toxins (poisons) within the body is the only reason why people get sick and die - not from "invisible phantom enemies" called "viruses." The definition of the word "virus" gradually changed over time to suit the agendas of the very profitable education, medical, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
See The Poisoned Needle
The Greatest Lie Ever Told
This is a contrived & Manufactured event
There are many scientists, professors and doctors that dispute the mainstream "virus" hypothesis, especially HIV (AIDS). They are all correct. True science and the data supports their position, as well as logic, reason and common sense.
Let's take a step back to the 1930s...
Research into "viruses" surely must have had innocent and noble beginnings immediately following the invention of the scanning electron microscope, when they were finally able to see tiny microscopic particles within and without of cells for the first time. However, taxpayer-funded revenues in the millions were being procured from the government for ongoing research. It is certain that efforts to maintain and even increase such procurements of government funding, which currently ranges in the billions of dollars annually, spawned an equally new, albeit unscientific, process of manipulating, conspiring, twisting and contorting scientific and medical findings in an effort to maintain that funding. The vaccine industry, which was already well underway, also desired to foster and bolster their profits-driven plans. The perfect partnership was established for assuming and asserting that microscopic particles were disease causing microbes. Thus, the cleverly concocted and cunningly crafted concepts of "viruses" and "contagion" were consummated. In the decades that followed an array of strategically fabricated aspirations and ambitions have been carried out. That Modus Operandi continues to this day. Their current aspirations and ambitions are to establish government-mandated forced vaccinations for every person on earth. Tens-of-billions of taxpayer-funded government dollars are funneled into the education, medical and pharmaceutical industries each year, as well as their tax-exempt non-profit organizations. Much of it is unaccounted for.
Now back to 2020 and the "coronavirus global pandemic"...
"Viruses" and "Viral Contagion" are cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, devilishly devised "CONCEPTS" that were strategically fabricated in order to funnel billions of dollars every year into the education, medical, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, as well as to create uncertainty, confusion and fear in people in order to manipulate and control them.
"Those particles of DNA called 'viruses' are nothing more than mitochondrial debris from expired body cells - daily we lose hundreds of billions of cells from our organism of 75 trillion. Most of this cellular loss is replaced. Now that a destructive and malevolent enemy has been pronounced the villain, an enemy that transcends all and afflicts the moral as well as the immoral, the stage is set for general public hysteria as a buildup for the entry of all sorts of products on the scene... especially vaccines." - Dr. T.C. Fry, 1989
That includes face masks, gloves, face shields, ventilators, hand sanitizers, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. - little did Dr. T.C. Fry know. He also said: "Without viruses and viral contagion the medical and pharmaceutical industries are dead." The education, medical, pharmaceutical, chemical and paper products industries all fair well with the contrived concept of viruses - at your expense. The governments also fair well with government control - at your expense.
Indeed, the only things that can be seen under a scanning electron microscope within and without of cells are cell debris from expired cells. Also, some scientists and doctors purport that exosomes are excreted from cells to gobble up poisons and carry them back to the cells to be transported out of the body. There are no such things as "viruses." In fact, it is an utterly nonsensical and ridiculous claim to assert that non-living particles called "viruses" have infected the entire world. Even more ridiculous to assert that such "non-living particles" can "live" on shopping carts at grocery stores. It seems people's minds have returned to the dark ages of sorcery, witchcraft, voodoo and evil spirits.
Please Share This Website For The Benefit Of All
This website was constructed and published for the benefit of all human beings. It exists particularly and especially for those who know with full confidence that the lying FAKE NEWS mainstream media, which includes every single channel you can turn to on a television set (including CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and even FOX NEWS), is indeed a propaganda producing mouthpiece for those who control the world. All of the highly paid TV commentators, anchors, reporters and spokespersons who work for these media outlets are paid high salaries and given shrewd tactical narratives designed to shape the minds of the people, most often with exaggerations, sensationalism and even outright LIES.
This is your one-stop portal for information on the GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD: the CONCEPT of "viruses" and "viral contagion." We are here to provide information you will NEVER get from the television. We are here to help establish a resistance to a pre-planned assault upon humanity in the form of TOTAL CONTROL via the scary CONCEPT of "viruses" and the inevitable impending perpetration of government-mandated forced vaccinations and technological Social Engineering.
Watch the videos on our Vaccines page and you will know and understand why you do not want to be vaccinated. FIRST, BE SURE TO WATCH THE INSIGHTFUL VIDEOS BELOW FROM Health Practitioner, Tom Barnett and Dr. T.C. Fry.
Please DONATE and/or grab an item in our SHOP to help keep our efforts going and to share the good news about the existence of this website. We are doing all we can to expose and fight against corruption and lies. Join us by becoming a Patriot Action Warrior in your state. We are doing all we can to expose and fight against corruption and lies and to share information, knowledge and truth. Please support us and help us with our efforts. Thank You!
Together we can fight back against this unconstitutional SCAM with the Patriot Action Plan.
Social Media Censorship
The video below, by Tom Barnett, was uploaded to YouTube on March 31, 2020 and received more than 100,000 views within 24 hours. It was removed by YouTube the following day. Why? Several people wisely video recorded the original upload and it continues going viral.
Mike Singer made the Facebook post and video below elaborating on WHY and HOW the "Coronavirus Global Pandemic" could even be a HOAX. Facebook banned him from posting for 30 days. YouTube removed his video also. Why?
Can You "Catch A Virus"? - Tom Barnett, M.D.
How & Why A "Global Pandemic" Hoax
What Is A "Virus"... Really? - Dr. T.C. Fry
Your One Stop Portal For The Truth About "Viruses"
Don't Believe Us? How About This MIT PhD, Dr. Shiva?
Wake Up People. Take Your Freedoms, Liberties, Rights And Livelihoods Back!
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Published April 2020
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