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    Topic review (newest first):

    6/06/2021 10:10 am

    Rick says... wow-- 25 hits in less than 24 hours on this letter to the high school principle.... but zero responses...I'll have to test my forum response mechanism again... my email is at the top of this forum so anyone wishing to respond can email me too... HERE is a new article for the morons in positions of authority like that school board threating to INJECT POISON with only an EUA Experimental Use Authorization into CHILDREN.... a violation of Nuremburg Code, Natural Law... and Geneva Convention... as well as just plain STUPID since the recovery rates for young people is 99%+.... 

    http://stateofthenation.co/?p=68115 outlines the NEXT screw up the ELITE are planning.

    6/05/2021 7:56 pm

    LEGAL NOTICE re: vax email

    I'm a local blogger who is anti-vax. It has come to my attention that the Glendale district and your school have emailed parents (without an official snailmail notice) that covid vax "may" be required this fall. I'll publish this notice to you and the officials at the district level that you are in violation of human rights just for that notice alone. If you proceed any further, you WILL face legal resistance and publicity on a national level through my efforts.

    You would be wise to immediately email parents that the threat -- the THREAT of violation of their natural rights biology-- will be retracted... OR ELSE you PERSONALLY will be in line on our list of persons liable for VACCINE INJURIES now being listed on VAERS.

    On one level, I'm going to attempt to warn you in advance that there is a counter force out there that will stop you and your Glendale district... by legal means. On another level, I'm calling you out as a blind bafoon who has absolutely no right to participate in this CDC-chain-of-command of medical dictatoship.

    Take this email as you will. I would advise you to consult with your legal counsel. You may have them contact me, Rick Potvin, at rick_potvin@yahoo.com. I blog quite a bit. You can find my blogs all over the place going back for many years. I'm going to tell you that you and your board are on the WRONG side of history. RETRACT that email to parents about the THREAT of a vax in the fall NOW. I'll be waiting to hear that you did, through my student contacts.

    Rick Potvin, Effective and Widely Read Blogger.

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