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    Topic review (newest first):

    7/14/2021 8:14 am

    Rick says- I have no objection to experimental human trials for stuff like this but I DO object to them forcing it on the entire world all at once through forced fake-vax-containing-GrOx. Why force it? Why not play with this stuff in tight experimental use only control groups? The covid vax's are officially only EUA Experimental use Authorization anyway... but employers and stores and companies have signs on their doors saying mask or vax. They're going to have to answer to Nuremburg II by Reinhart Fuelmich-- this force feeding is going to have to be derailed bigtime. Bastards. Just fucking everything in the world up. For what? For an experiment that should be confined to those who are the daredevils who want to sign up for the program. I did not sign up... but now we see increasing MSM news reporting upticks in (fake) cases and new (fake) variants and subsequent threats of more lockdowns, worldwide, quarantines and similar garbage tyranny.


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