Rick Potvin's Interesting Topics / Email: rick_potvin@yahoo.com
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    Topic review (newest first):

    7/16/2021 5:22 pm

    Rick says-- Instead of exposing the covid vax hoax, Larouchepac are trying to promote Trump... I tried to tell them Larouche already told us in 2002 that computerized voting doesn't work so they should promote mechanic voting systems... but they don't listen to me. And beside... Lpac should know about Shemitah... which is coming... according to SOTN.. http://stateofthenation.co/?p=72645

    Trump, according to Makow, is one of them... part of the deep state.. and I would now agree because Jan. 6 was a terrible move... he should have stayed on twitter that day and explained the process of states' objections to the electoral college count... in 6 swing states... and Trump should have quoted that Stalin said those who count the votes win... but he didn't... and he promoted vaxxes with his stupid warpspeed. At first I thought it was his trick to get deepstate to expose their hand but nope... .anyhoo... Trump ain't the answer we're looking for... and Larouche pac people are reviewing Lincoln... ho boy... exciting.

    ...and irrelevent at this point I think. And they're reviewing Plato.

    We're screwed, as you can see.

    7/16/2021 5:17 pm

    LarouchePac people aren't listening to me.

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