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    Topic review (newest first):

    12/27/2021 9:24 pm

    Rick says-- I watched a segment on Fox and Jarret said "most people who get covid are asymtomatic especially those who have been vaccinated"... BOOM... he's done in my books. Without getting into the full explanation because I'm eating supper as I type this... Greg is done for me. Interestingly.. he looked down at his notes when he said that... and even more interestingly for me... I was thinking about a guy who first used the asymptotic argument on me a year ago... more than a year... brian at Guitar Center... and I immediately lost respect for him.... what little there was developing anyway... it's like a [godwink] premonition occurred to me a few seconds before he said that.

    So Jarrett is someone on Fox I watched with due regard in the past... but now-- it's clear he's a paid shill for injecting graphene oxide resonant with 5G... for mark of the beast level id and mind control. He's part of Agenda 2030 depop.. or alien agenda revealed by godgvelamste on youtube. Saturnians are attempted to invade Crater Earth and destroy humanity. Greg thinks he'll be accorded a high position but they're going to kill us all... if we don't stop them. Greg's a no good sell out.

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