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    Topic review (newest first):

    11/16/2020 9:33 pm

    Re: shutdown madnessNov 16 at 5:16 PM  PrintRaw messageJonathan Parker <jonathan.parker@guhsdaz.org>
    To: Rick Potvin <rick_potvin@yahoo.com>

    Good afternoon Mr. Potvin. Thank you for the message and your concern for the SHS community.

    In making a decision about utilizing a hybrid model or remote learning model, our district relies on the Maricopa County Dashboard for data and guidance. At the moment, we continue in the hybrid model, but should the data continue to trend toward the red, we would indeed return to a remote learning model. 

    Certainly, we all hope that we can one day return to a full, in-person model when it is deemed safe to do so.  Until then, we will continue to work our hardest to maintain the reputation Sunnyslope High School has earned over time. 

     Jonathan ParkerPrincipalSunnyslope High School(623)-915-8764   From: Rick Potvin <rick_potvin@yahoo.com>
    Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2020 7:09 PM
    To: Joshua Woznicki <Joshua.Woznicki@guhsdaz.org>
    Cc: Pandora Linnartz <Pandora.Linnartz@guhsdaz.org>; Jamie Mitchell <Jamie.Mitchell@guhsdaz.org>; Christine Pixler <Christine.Pixler@guhsdaz.org>; Jonathan Parker <Jonathan.Parker@guhsdaz.org>

    Subject: shutdown madness I'm a local resident and just found out that your school is shutting down again. This is sheer madness, you know. These policies were put into place with no solid evidence that they would mitigate the virus or improve on medical outcomes. You must begin to think about pushback on your higher authorities because you're going to be contributing to the ruination of Sunnyslope if you do not. https://www.technocracy.news/study-it-was-a-mistake-to-close-schools/

    Do you take authority as truth? Or truth as authority? Do you know the truth?



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