Rick Potvin's Interesting Topics / Email: rick_potvin@yahoo.com
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» My FIRST blog in response to Corona Virus Hoax...
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Topic review (newest first):
11/20/2020 7:17 am
5G - Corona is 5G Sickess-- Kill 5G
ALH- A Little Help-proposes radical ideas in Jon Rap's blog.
APLM - Doochy for prison
Bee Wilder - at HealingNaturallyByBee-- another germ theory denier.
Best Buy - CEO's have gone stark raving corona mad.
Bill DeBlasio - a Communist -- but worse-- something alien to civilization whatever that is.
Bill Gates - Evil incarnate-- how did a home computer operating system nerd become an evil mastermind?
Board Host alternative forum with Rick63
Catching a virus - not possible
CNN Townhall - Sickening propaganda full of lies.
Duper's delight - hoax-investigators like me use to describe that Mona Lisa smile.
Face mask hysteria
First post - CoV is distraction from 5G & Financial Derivatives Collapse
Forum - Board Host with Rick63
Gary Frenchie - best report ever - Fauci proven wrong
GAWA - Get Americans Working Again
Hannity - half-critical
Jon Levi's Overview of the Corona "Reset"-- in the context of a strange history of "resets" vis-a-vis Tartaria
Jon Rappaport
Jon Rappoport - 5G and CoVID - a 2nd look
Jon Rappoport - Gate keeper?
Joseph Potvin of Ottawa on Covid - hope search engines see this haha.
Kaminkski-- dawn of darkness
Kaminski - Breakthrough piece
Lefties - using tactics instead of reason
Makow - guest comment about Trump has changed.
Mask - psyop - LockDowLiability repost
Mike King points out anomalies regarding New York
Mud Flood & Fake History
Our Greater Destiny - source
Oxygen Factors
Passive resistance - We have 1 way in 7 to fight back
Prisoners of our own device - Eagles
RADICAL TRUTH BOMB about VIRUSES-- revealed by J.B. in comments on Jon's blog
Ron Paul - video - Libert Report - Increasing protests against lockdowns on Tues. 14th
SOURCE - A Clearer Picture
Source - Our Greater Destiny
Trading - NUGT
Tucker Carleson-- part of false opposition now-- pretends Wuhan "created" super-virus- simply not feasible.
Viruses are our HELPERS and friends