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to "Mask Myth?" <>
from Rick Potvin, blogger.
I glanced at your face mask topic and as usual, you're in lockstep with this scamdemic. No matter what you're being paid, you simply cannot bring something into existence that does not exist. Face masks are obscene and harmful.
The very existence of a virus has never been proven. People short on breath are suffering from 5G radiation sickness-- as seen in Wuhan and on cruise ships. More at my covid debunking website which I doubt you'll visit. There is no future in telling lies and promoting the idea that healthy people with no symptoms are spreaders is simply evil incarnate. It's so ridiculous that you and others promoting the idea ought to be sued for something.
Why not promote the ordinary human immune system and support that nutritionally?...and help us expose the trick that is being played on the world with this to get them to accept deadly injections that are not vaccines?