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  •  » DETOX from all the toxins causing SYMPTOMS labelled COVID SYNDROME! x
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    Topic review (newest first):

    6/27/2020 5:06 pm

    To be installed. Article under construction

    IF COVID is a SYNDROME due to toxins and NOT A VIRUS, then DETOX is a PARTIAL ANSWER!

    TOP 10 SUSPECTS for SARS COV2 SYNDROME-- which is NOT a Virus.
    If the non-existent corona virus is being used as THE single causative factor in increased infections and deaths to cover up OTHER causes of death, then what are the multiple causes of mortality and disease are occurring? Recall Jon's article about AIDS and HIV where he wrote that the medical industry had to prevent the discovery of multiple causes of AIDS deaths in FAVOR of the single cause-- HIV-- at all costs. Same with SARS syndrome and COV2 virus. Drum roll, Dave Letterman style...

    11. Pollution in general, as in Wuhan, N.Italy and Washington State, as seen originally in March 2020.

    10. Fracking Refineries- H Cyanide

    9. State, as seen originally in March 2020.

    8. GMOs in food and pesticides ON food, vaccinations.

    7. Chemtrails and all the crap in them.

    6. Nursing and Long Term Care Home - sped up deaths or outright murders

    5. Ventilator misuse, murder, rather than oxygen enhancement at natural pressure.

    4. Any ailment causing death being labelled "OF" Covid rather than WITH Covid

    3. INcreasing lack of hospitalizations that are neccessary

    2. Suicide and depression from lockdown

    1. Masks themselves due to outgassing from materials, lower O2 intake, breathing CO for long periods, accidents due to resulting dizziness.

    [Break to music]

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