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    7/04/2020 2:41 pm

    [url=Do Face M asks  Actually Filter  The Air We  Breathe A gainst Viruses ? I t’s a matter of  basic  air flow  en gineering ph ys ics, not medical mumbo jumbo By  Anonymous Patriot  Eng ineer 3 Ju ly 2020 have a  day  job .  Therefor e,  I  cannot take the time to make this  analysis look pretty. I ’ll leave that to others. Feel free to use the  writing and illustration s  in  an y way  you like. I have borrowed  images from the  web which may be  copy r i ghted , so  I use them for  educational purposes only. The med i a air waves are flooded with  competin g  claims by  “medi c al  professionals ” about  the efficacy of  w earing face mask s to protect  against Coron avirus.  To me,  it’s a blur . I ’ m just tuning out amidst all  the lies and half - truths. At the same time,  pro - mask  ph ysicia ns  of ten  assume a haughty ‘ Shut up, I ’m the  professional  here ” posture when their opinions are challenged. The  Simple  Physics of Air Flow So, I decided to prove that masks are generally ineffective using purely  the  engineering ph ysics of airflow and air pressure , not virology. I evaluated a d ozen or more write up s by medical professionals on the  effic acy of  wea ring masks.  H e re  they are. The British Lancet study  summarized 120  other  studies . I Do Face masks  Actually Filter  The Air We  Breathe A gainst Viruses ? By  Anonymous Patriot  Eng ineer ,  3 July 2020 - 2 - Tellingly, here is an overview of w hether or not the article took into account the  breathing ai r flow that occur s through  our Eustachian Tubes . Medical  S tudy URL Inclu des Eustachian Tube  Airflow Analysis ? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7191274/ No http://ftp.iza.org/dp13319.pdf No https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591 - 020 - 0843 - 2 No https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS014 0 - 6736(20)31142 - 9/fulltext# (Review of 120 studies) No https://gh.bmj.com/content/5/5/e002794 No https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2662657/ No Wikipedia has  a decent overview of the air flow - related functions of your  Eustachian  Tubes . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eustachian_tube P ressure equalization Under normal circumstances, the human Eustachian tube is closed, but it  can open to let a small amount of air through to prevent damage by  equalizing pressure between the middle ear and the atmosphere. Mucus drainag e The Eustachian tube also drains mucus from the middle ear [in to  the nasal  passage , a ir wave and  t hroat. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/we llness - and - prevention/ear - nose - and - throat - facts John s Hop kins  Medicine says the  “ Eustachian tub e . A canal that links the  middle ear with the back of the nose. The eustachian tube helps to equalize  the pressure in the middle ear. Having the same pressure allows for the  Do Face masks  Actually Filter  The Air We  Breathe A gainst Viruses ? By  Anonymous Patriot  Eng ineer ,  3 July 2020 - 3 - proper transfer of sound waves. The eustachian tube is lined with mucous,  just like the inside of the nose and throat . ” This brief description is probably all  I need to make  my point.  The Eustachian  T ube s help regulate th e  vibration of air against your ear drum s and the air pressu re in your ear s . It is lined with mucous and drains into your  sinuses , thro at a nd  air  passage . Figure  1 : Eustachian  Tube system Do Face masks  Actually Filter  The Air We  Breathe A gainst Viruses ? By  Anonymous Patriot  Eng ineer ,  3 July 2020 - 4 - Figure  2 : Eustachian portal in the nose and thro at airwave. Figure  3 : Air enters and leaves your body through (1) mouth, (2) nose and (3)  Eustachian Tubes Do Face masks  Actually Filter  The Air We  Breathe A gainst Viruses ? By  Anonymous Patriot  Eng ineer ,  3 July 2020 - 5 - When you breath in , the air pressure in your lungs decreases . Th is  causes air to  flow into your body in o rder to equalize the pressure. Basic physics. Likewise, when you breath out, the air pressure in your lungs increases, caus ing  the air to flow out of your bo dy , again to equalize the pressure in reverse. In, out, in ,  out. Thankfully. You are alive!  The  airflow  points  in our bodies  are three : 1. Mouth 2. Nose 3. Ear s ( Eustachian Tube s ) Repeating what I said earlier ,  n one of the  medical litera ture  cited above even  mentions the  e ar (Eustachian Tube) .  This is  profound ly unpr ofessional,  unscientific a nalysis. I t is dressed to look and  feel scien tific, but it is more like scientism. Therefore,  it appears that  th e mask - wearing  drum beat has another purpose  other than to  protect us against  viral transfer . Why must my premise be true ?  Beca use,  even  if we assume that your mask  is 100% effective at preventing bad  thi n gs from entering your body through your nose and mouth (which it is not) ,  the air you breath has been passing in and out of your body through your  Eustachian  tube s the entire time of this  so - called pandemic. A natural questi on then is :  “ W hat is the purpose of the ongoing demand for mask  wearing compliance? ” I t appears that it is designed to invoke mass  subservience ,  not  to  protect us from a hea lth point of view. Our bodies , under normal circumstances,  were designed to breath in the air from  our envi ronment, then breat h it out. This is not to down play  or minimize  the ris k s  within vulnerable p opulations ( e.g . the elderly, immu ne compromi sed) . Do Face masks  Actually Filter  The Air We  Breathe A gainst Viruses ? By  Anonymous Patriot  Eng ineer ,  3 July 2020 - 7 - Healthy bodies are designed to handle the stuff we breath .  Mask s have  generally  been needed b y  professionals wh o are  in close proximity to  acute  pat ients ,  vulnerable populations,  or  ac ute amounts of particulate substan ces, like  dust,  sawdust,  p aint spray,  smoke ,  virus es ,  bacter ia . However, w e  have just proven — by sim ple en gineering  air/flu id flow — that mask  wearers  have  never had their  Eustachian Tube intake of air filtered since th is so - called pandemic began and masks were first worn. Therefore, the mask statistics  shown above that  discuss only the  nose and mouth ,  are bog us at  worst, and misguided at best. The fact is, w e would need HA ZMAT suit s to  actually shi eld ourselves effectively  from  ingesting viruses  through the air (nose , mouth, Eustachian Tubes) , an d  th rough our skin and eyes.  Evidently, s omething  is  amiss in the motivations  beh ind those who feverishly  demand that we all  wear m asks.  H ealthcare or Au thoritarianism run amok? Is th e mask-wearin g frenzy me rely  a demand  by pet ty bureaucrats in positions of power for  obedience and submission — like  a kin g or  queen demanding his or her subject bow to  him  or her. G iven that not a single medical study of masks  cited abo ve  mention s  the  intake of air through  our  Eustachian Tubes, one has to  as k what  the ir  t rue  agenda is .  For those medical anal ysts to  have ignored  such a significant breathing system  is either incompet ence, or  scient ific censorship. Either way, it is not good for us .  Do Face masks  Actually Filter  The Air We  Breathe A gainst Viruses ? By  Anonymous Patriot  Eng ineer ,  3 July 2020 - 8 - Interlocking Bureaucratic Interests The fault here appears to be  interlocking  interests  among  some senior  health  professionals ,  the politicians who fund them,  and the media who  perpetuate the ir  propaganda by  “flood ing the  waves ” with  lies and  half - truths t o sc are people into submission . Resist. Figure  4 : Fauci, NIH, CDC modus operandi: Scare ta ctics R Us. All er rors  or  omission are mine. Th is is opinion that should not be r elied upon without i ndependent  verification . No  claims are m ade to the intellectual p roperty of third parties. For educat ional pur poses  only. Fair Use r elied upon.]https://aim4truth.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Do-Face-Masks-Actually-Filter-The-Air-We-Breathe-Against-Viruses-July-3-2020.pdf[/url]

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