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  •  » RickPotvin---> Professional magician has the answer ANTI VAX LIVE
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    Topic review (newest first):

    5/07/2021 9:38 pm

    4. I'm going to call the Vax Live Concert-- the Jim Jones Kool-Aid Vax concert-- not really a concert entry for anti-fax but I might able to do a song based on Jim Jones and relate it to Biden & others pushing the vax Live.https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/vax-live-the-concert-to-reunite-the-world/96118403/

    5/07/2021 9:16 pm

    3. YOUTUBE entries for antivax music are all anti-antivax.... worth looking at. I didn't realize that the anti-antivax movement was so BIG out there... wow!!!! Savage attacks are being made on "hesitators"... completely insane. No uploads on Youtube favorable to hesitancy or refusal... all bashing of antivaxxers.... Not really worthy of a concert song for anti-vax live... but a clue at this point.


    5/07/2021 9:13 pm

    <p>Anti-Vax Live!... consisting of nothing my my idea on this blog post right now-- will attempt to counteract the effect of Vax Live! tomorrow May 82021. <br /><br />

    FIRST JOB- Make this post appear on search engines<br />
    I used to know how to make posts appear on search engine-- but it's been a long time. I'll just have to repost on my other blog for now which seems to get hits here... https://rickpotvin63.boardhost.com/viewforum.php?id=1   The post at that forum already has 4 hits in under 5 minutes.... I used to use a function on blogger that allowed search  engines to find a post on blogger but I forgot how that goes... If you the reader know how to get hits on a post, help me here and I'll update this blog-page to include as many anti-vax sites AND musicians as possible-- since I'm a musician myself-- laid off by the tyranny obedient Guitar Center corporation...</p><p><br />

    NEXT-- test the video upload capability here.<br />
    <object aria-label="Upload video" class="BLOG_video_class" contentid="f53287a2815bb3ea" height="266" id="BLOG_video-f53287a2815bb3ea" width="320"></object> </p>

    WORLD's FIRST ANTI-VAX BAND- right here... ? 2019? THE FIRST SONG KICKS OFF ANTI-VAX LIVE! <a href="https://anti-vax.bandcamp.com">ANTI VAX SONGS</a><a href="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1Guu7vAso3g/YJXrwM331VI/AAAAAAAAJuA/7Gon7od4WcE6S_z84tAkBIqcbPjeNaLrgCLcBGAsYHQ/s765/anti-vax.jpg" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0px; text-align: center;"><img alt="" border="0" data-original-height="659" data-original-width="765" src="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1Guu7vAso3g/YJXrwM331VI/AAAAAAAAJuA/7Gon7od4WcE6S_z84tAkBIqcbPjeNaLrgCLcBGAsYHQ/s320/anti-vax.jpg" width="320" /></a>

    SECOND UP on stage... https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=sfp&ei=UTF-8&p=anti-vax+music#id=0&vid=51abff2befbc729f0ff84c2af9c624bc&action=click
    <div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Bf384QUDsJs/YJXvHwual-I/AAAAAAAAJuI/n9thOeICi3IZkXLQNoMs6o-BCAhF1GybQCLcBGAsYHQ/s566/covid%2B-%2Banti-vax%2Blive.jpg" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" width="320" data-original-height="389" data-original-width="566" src="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Bf384QUDsJs/YJXvHwual-I/AAAAAAAAJuI/n9thOeICi3IZkXLQNoMs6o-BCAhF1GybQCLcBGAsYHQ/s320/covid%2B-%2Banti-vax%2Blive.jpg"/></a></div>

    5/07/2021 9:11 pm

    UPDATE- Blogger takes too long to update-- that's why I started this forum... so I'm switching gears and will post all updates for ANTI-VAX LIVE here in boardhost.com. If I have time and inclination I'll repost to the blogger site.


    5/07/2021 7:11 pm

    I think I know a professional magician who knows how to transcend time and space-- and recreate reality to fit with a non-covid future. Not sure of the details yet but part of it involves deuturium-elimination from water by freezing-- then drinking it.... UPDATE-- after freezing the top layer of water, I came up with the ANTI-VAX LIVE... ONLINE CoNCERT... to counteract the stupid Vax live!... linked at Blogger in a few minutes.

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