Rick Potvin's Interesting Topics / Email: rick_potvin@yahoo.com
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    Topic review (newest first):

    7/17/2021 7:51 am

    Rick says-- My original Tom Barrett post where he says "you can't catch a virus" and where I originally started thinking about it... in March/April 2020... has gotten 94 comments. The only reason I couldn't continue with that blog and use this form is because that blog is too slow on my browser... and this forum is fast... But it's still worth looking back at my original posts... https://coronavirushoax.blogspot.com/2020/04/you-cant-catch-corona-virus.html#comment-form

    UPDATE- My Tom Barrett thread turned into a herpes virus thread... a little bizarre... but I'll leave it alone and treat the herpes virus posts as another example of a virus hoax...

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