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Max More turned out to be a complete fool. He fell for the "cases" charade hook, line and STINKer. I've met many nerds in my life having been a first class nerd myself. I had the reputation for being a "browner" in hight school with my "nose in the books". I recognize nerds when I see them. Max More just destroyed his place in history by falling for the "cases" hoax... disguising it with his cute colourful graphics displaying the various rates of cases in various states. That is the problem with nerds of course. They love to crunch numbers and are good at it but they don't grasp bigger reality. I last spoke to Max face to face at a cryonics convention that I crashed. I tried to point out the fallacy of membership churning to him-- as antithetical to good cryonics-- he feigned surprise that I would be so aghast.... at least as I recall. Everyone was drinking and having a good time in Scottsdale. That will be my LAST memory of Max More. Good riddance Max.
Max left Alcor as CEO a short time ago with little explanation IMO. I think he might be in northern Arizona with CPlatt and famous cryonicist Mike Darwin inĀ Flagstaff or ... the town next it out on the freeway. Dave Pizer might be there too. Doug Platt too.
Rick says: What a bunch of covid-tards.