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  •  » RickPotvinOriginalReport---> Mysterious new box on pole behind my hous
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    Topic review (newest first):

    9/17/2021 8:56 pm

    Youtube about 5G replacement-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpmtD1ovKUQ

    9/17/2021 7:33 pm

    RickPotvinOriginalReport---> Mysterious new box on pole behind my hous

    The only label I can make out is Laird... the rest of it is locked... 20 ft. up ... and dangerous looking with fat black cables running out of it... or into it... is it a 5G killswitch box... ? Possibly. I tried to follow the wires up the pole the the other connections and saw a coil going around 10X or so... then into a new platform with 6 boxes on it. Nobody tells me anything. I even chatted with the guys installing it and they didn't tell me anything... they're all in on it-- the NWO KILL SWiTCH ... wired up to the Covid-graphene oxide injection activated by 5G.... they're setting this up to kill us. It's a dangerous looking box... I've lived here for many years... this box is alien bizarre dangerous looking. I wired myself into the earth to deactivate its effect on me with earthing wires. Hopefully I won't kill myself accidentally if lightening strikes.

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