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1/21/2022 7:12 am  #1

BrannonHouse---> WA-state refuse to clear roads for unvaxxed-- Insane.

Rick says-- At what point do we start applying disparaging terms realistically?  For example... here's what I would call insane-- at least "effectively" insane... or "tantamount" to insane... or insane "in my opinion"...
In the middle of a snow emergency, the state of Washington turned down assistance from Kittitas County to clear the roads because the county didn’t have a vaccine mandate for snow-plow drivers.

1/21/2022 7:14 am  #2

Re: BrannonHouse---> WA-state refuse to clear roads for unvaxxed-- Insane.

WVW-TV and Worldview Radio
Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network
Worldview Report

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