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"You don't need a mask outside, you know", I said calmly.
"What's it to you? You got a problem bro?". The guy was well built and tattooed about my height.
"You don't need a mask anywhere-- the virus is fake", I continued.
From there, things got heated and he started yelling versions of his side and me, mine. I checked through the cashier and he approached me saying he's got a relative dying from covid.
"The hospital gets paid extra money to say its' covid" I said. "What are his symptoms?".
"He's on a lung machine".
"A lot of things can put people on lung machines besides covid".
"You want to take this outside?" he retorted....
As if. Right.
I left and calmly got in my car. He approached. I wound down the window calmly and confidently. I was situationally aware to watch for any weapons. He looked civil enough with tattoos and beard for a tatoo beard guy. And he kept calling me bro.'
"You and your kind are spreaders!" he repeated ad nauseum
"Not if it's fake" I said...
The SHORTER the quip, the better....
His girl approached him and took him aside... I said "Have a nice weekend and smiled... "...
Interesting thing-- as he retorted to me in the store... he took his mask off!!! Haha. I congratulated him on taking it off and gave him a thumbs up. He said he took it off so I could hear him better.
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