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Ok thanks for that great update. We're in uncharted territory all-around.
Rather than copper wire around your head, LOL, I would recommend silver-lined-protective clothing to protect from 5G if you go down that route. A simple hat with silver-threads-- available online-- might work if you ever get the feeling 5G waves are affecting you. The theory is that 5G acts on the injected-nanotech-via-nasal-swab as a "binary weapon" (5G+microchip-in-brain) to affect people. You're on the right track with the copper wire head wrap but the actual reality is that we want to stop conductivity-- with silver-faraday-cage-materials.
Don't get vaccinated because that's a further element of control that leads to even worse things. It's possible that mRNA can change our memories... see the movie Hauser's Memory from 1972 where an intel agent saves the memories of a dead scientist by taking an injection of RNA from the dead scientist's brain. Real studies with lower life forms like snails proves this possibility. Once vaccinated, their weapon becomes "quaternary" because you'll have false-memories as well as a neutralization of the vMAT-gene in the brain-- some call it the God-gene.
Those two things along with the 5G and microchip-via-swab equals four. Two plus two equals four.... Nasal swab implant vis "covid test" + 5G + false memories via mRNA + neutralization of vMAT godgene. Solution: silver-faraday-cage-clothing-hat + vax-avoidance.
add later... avoid 6 ft distancing... learn to talk to others in line or elsewhere to humor them into 6 ft disobedience.... learn self defense in case things get out of control, situation awareness, running etc.
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