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WhitfilNursery/Phoenix---> Signs do not state exemptions to mask.
I stopped by your Glendale Ave location at 9:30 am and discovered your Sunday hours start at 10:00. I wish the Sunday hours were the same as other days... especially Sunday.
I noted your signs say you require masks on site but Governor Doucy has rescinded the mask mandate and your policy should be consistent with State of Arizona law. If it's not, whose mandate or order are you complying with to override Arizona law?
You're also violating City of Phoenix law by not stating the exemptions on your signs for young children, ADA exemptions and City of Phoenix Religious Objection exemption clearly stated at
You may think you impose your own mask mandates and ignore the excemptions and you probably can because everyone else is. However, it's a little bit of a crapshoot because now that I'll be publishing your business on my blog, you risk prosecution in the future IF this thing turns around.
You're also in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which refers to "places of public access" which you are-- as being prevented from unfair discrimination against people of various religious beliefs-- like me-- because I do not believe in the virus. See and You might want to have your legal people look at those sites and mine, linked below, to get a better perspective on the kind of evil you're imposing by requiring masks-- which now we find out maybe be poisoned. The longer you post your mask signs, the more likely the trouble you'll be facing IMO. Investigate now. Read my blog.
Rick Potvin, The Red Baron Blogger
Here is your opportunity to shine. Here is your opportunity to stand above all other Governors
and be an example unto each and every one of them.
As Proud and Patriotic Floridians we kindly and respectfully ask and urge you to implement the
following Executive Order:
"In concert with Federal Civil Rights Laws and Federal Regulations under the United States
Constitution, Bill of Rights, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Americans with Disabilities Act, Title III, and
42 U.S.C., and due to ongoing inconsistencies in the application, observance and practice of
these laws, which has resulted from media induced fear over alleged "invisible enemies," I
hereby order as follows:
No business operating anywhere within the entire State of Florida that has been classified,
designated and defined by the Federal Government as a 'place of public accommodation' shall
discriminate against, limit or in any way whatsoever restrict any person from obtaining and
experiencing the same full and equal access to and enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities
and accommodations provided therein - regardless of whether or not that person is wearing a
face mask, face cover, face shield or any other device or apparatus attached to their face, head
or body. All ‘places of public accommodation’ within the State of Florida are hereby ordered to
comply with the Federal Laws referenced above and this Florida Executive Order. All law
enforcement agencies and police officers within the State of Florida are hereby ordered to
enforce the above referenced Federal Laws and this Florida Executive Order."
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