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1/14/2025 11:43 am  #1

Trajectory of Dorothy's downhill slide, then sudden extra fast Dec25

Trajectory of Dorothy's downhill slide, then sudden extra fast Dec25 2024. There are key events that I think describe the downward path of physical health Dorothy took and I'll try to describe those elements here. A key event occurred Christmas morning but I couldn't quite tell what happened to her at the time. I thought she was just sad to be in bed on Christmas... after being serviced in bed for nearly 5 years like this without improving her leg muscles. it turns out that it had to be another stroke. I offered constantly to call 911 for her and she demanded that I not do that. I served her up extra supplements for circulation of citrulliline for nitric oxide to expand the arteries, niacin and beet juice which worked to provide comebacks from mini strokes she had before.

Here's a search on how to recover from a stroke that I'll study further in coming days...



1/14/2025 2:40 pm  #2

Re: Trajectory of Dorothy's downhill slide, then sudden extra fast Dec25

DIRECT CORRELATION between THEN when Dorothy absolutely and continually refused to go to a doctor then refused to have me have a mobile doctor or nurse visit and NOW-- where DOROTHY will have to be on PAIN MEDS starting this coming Thursday... from ELEVATE/Glenda... beyond mini-morphine sulfates 0.25 mg at a time.  WHY? Why did she refuse doctors for 20 years yet let me take her to the dentist, keeping many appointments?

I can see between not going to make a doctor appt and maintain that connection annually with Dr. Bentz in 2002 I asked her many times about... and tried to get her in ... and what’s happening right now... with NO PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN--- other than the ELEVATE Dr. Cohen now... and PAIN MANAGEMENT for skin-breakdown.... due to extended time in bed, pressure sores... lack of visiting NURSES... which would have been easily available with a “family doctor” who could get have got  her going on MEDICARE paid HOME HEALTH SERVICE with a medical CAREGIVER.... along the way for advice on BEDSORE prevention using INFLATABLE PILLOWS... which are also coming today and which I'm on a new learning curve on. The system I used for her of regular pillows on either side, mat changes, diaper changes, washes, moisturize rubs etc... worked to an extent but at the sacrum, which I now see on yahoo image search, there is a particularly nasty problem of getting that part of the body off the mat. So with a new bubble mattress from ELEVATE and new inflatable pillow and mattress products coming in today, I'll try to update my methods-- which I will never take on again of course. It's just that this time, one compromise led to the next one and that led to the next one and so on until I find myself buried in a really bad place.

Her CONTINUED RESISTANCE to my calling in pro help including for oxygen... played a big part in this... since... I WOULD HAVE MADE SPECIAL effort to make the contacts needed to get oxygen in here... for her in bed... and that would have led to a PCP ... and Medicare HHS access... and more exams by visiting professional CAREGIVERS... and this whole thing might have been avoided. Included in all of this... should have been doctor given pain meds if that’s what they wanted to do. The entire thing revolves around Dorothy’s lack of cooperation with me on getting help in her one way or another... via a PCP.... or MOBILE PCP... and since I don’t have a PCP yet... and should have... I could not discuss the situation with my own PCP... of all the stupid things I’ve done. I was excited about the portable oxygen tank advertised on TV all the time and I would have really ade the connections needed to get that in here for her. She denied me multiple times, emphatically.... WHY would she do that? There was never any discussion. Stupid beyond belief. And without her consent, I could not very well put things into gear because no pro wants confrontations in the home.

Here’s the really crazy part.... I took her to see the dentist many times from 2003 to 2009 to fix teeth. THAT she went for. Yet the DOCTOR, nope. How can that even be so? I’m flummoxed. How can she have been in emergency I sent her to in 2019... yet the doc there did NOT refer her to a PCP... and the hospital didn’t discover she had no PCP... and then gave her an immediate referral... which I would have followed out for her.



PROBLEM IS HOUR BY HOUR today, and ongoing.

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