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4/08/2021 2:47 pm  #1

HaltonRegionOntario---> Lockdown maniacs are doubling down so will we.


Rick Potvin says: I hear Halton region is declaring a new curfew so I'm emailing them with the Great Barrington Declaration... and more.. including links to this discussion board. Speak truth to power. Be an information warrior. Because if we don't fight back now with the keyboard, we'll have to fight back later with other things I don't want to think about. Absolute tyrannical medical dictatorship will not be allowed to stand. For one thing, I'll start circulating "more trips, fewer items" to grocery and drug stores to counteract their insane policies. This is ensure that MORE people get out more often... and I'll encourage maskless too-- because masks do harm and are loaded with chemicals and possible nanoparticles and morgellions. We do not know what we're being forced to breathe.

4/08/2021 3:16 pm  #2

Re: HaltonRegionOntario---> Lockdown maniacs are doubling down so will we.




to: accesshalton@halton.ca
re: covid lockdown

Your lockdown is in contradiction to the Great Barrington Declaration. If you haven't updated your knowledge of that, here's your chance! You're on the wrong side of history. Lift all covid mandates immediately in accordance with this declaration....

Rick Potvin's Blog.
Covid is a hoax being used by Technocracy NWO.

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