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8/06/2021 7:01 pm  #1

MuchAdo/JohnManley----> Incremental CyberZombification ICZ... nGrOx

Rick says-- John Manley is in Stratford Ontario where I grew up and is doing a great job with a covid-exposee blog... his latest drawing attention to graphene oxide's potential to gradually make humans into cyber zombies... gradually ... but more importantly... recognizing that there IS an anti-dote.

Will the COVID Vaccine Transform Your Neighbours Into Cyborgs?
The COVID-19(84) Red Pill Posts | August 6, 2021 | John C. A. Manley
The University of Almería, in Spain, recently released a report showing that a vial of the COVID-19 concoction (AKA vaccine) contained a “mesh of folded translucent flexible sheets” of graphene oxide. Many people are now speculating that repeated injections of this secret superconductor ingredient will incrementally transform humanity into cybernetic organisms. Such a fear is not totally unfounded, as graphene oxide, a man-made nanotechnology, is currently being used in animal-machine interface experiments. But is such a threat still more fiction than science?

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