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10/21/2021 6:49 pm  #1

MuchAdo/JohnManley----> Russian roulette and covid shots

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rick_potvin@yah.../InboxVaccine Roulette: Why most feel fine after their COVID shot
Oct 21 at 4:38 PM
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MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca <info@muchadoaboutcorona.ca>
To: rick_potvin@yahoo.com
Much Ado About Corona Subscriber:

vaccine injectionMany people are asking: Why do some people get the COVID jab and only have a sore shoulder; while others end up paralyzed, blind or dead?

The simple and obvious answer to me (being a speculative fiction writer who has to think up these types of diabolical possibilities) would be that not everybody is actually getting the injection. In episode 726 of the Just Right podcast, Robert Metz presents evidence (including testimonial from a UK funeral director) that 85% of the so-called COVID vaccine contain nothing more than saline solution.

That means about one out of six injection contain the actual mRNA concoction (which has now been reported to contain parasites and graphene oxide).

One out of six shots. Sure sounds like Russian roulette to me—where only one of six chambers in a revolver contains a bullet.

Stay brave, true and... sane!
—John C. A. Manley

PS I'm not posting as much, as I'm so busy finishing the Much Ado About Corona novel. Beta reader feedback has been more than encouraging—including these words from retired Ontario Provincial Police officer, Vincent Gircys: "The novel flows well, has an original story, maintained my attention and has an unexpected good ending.”

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