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Still don't get how the so-called 'waves' are created? La Quinta Columna gives you the rundown
December 07, 2021
A few hours ago, La Quinta Columna briefly explained again for its new followers the real cause of the famous "waves" caused by the never isolated, never purified, and never sequenced SARS-CoV-2. What's today known as COVID clinical picture is nothing more than an acute irradiation syndrome (ARS), with the difference that patients present bilateral pneumonia (COVID lung). This type of pneumonia would be caused by the graphene oxide located in the lungs once electronically excited through non-ionizing radiation emitted by 4G, 4G Plus, and 5G antennas.
Orwell City invites its readers to listen to Dr. Sevillano's words. Needless to say, all the information he mentions can be further elaborated by taking a look at the site's archive.
Ricardo Delgado: COVID-19 disease isn't caused by a biological agent of the coronavirus type. There's no sequencing of it. No one has cultured or purified this agent. In fact, it's the Acute Irradiation Syndrome (ARS). Alright? We talked about it in the video presentation. Throughout many programs on La Quinta Columna, you'll be able to have a major summary. But we can say...
Dr. Sevillano: Basically... Basically, people die due to different reasons every year. And add to that a small number —until now, there were no massively vaccinated people— who were vaccinated against influenza near antennas.
Ricardo Delgado: That's right.
Dr. Sevillano: Those are the ones who presented the strange clinical pictures that made everyone's hands on their heads. Those were the ones, and they were very few. There were even other cases —and everyone had forgotten about them—, cases of people dying in the street because they couldn't oxygenate. Those cases were never explained because if they had been,they would have had to confess that they had increased or changed the frequency of the antennas. So you never saw those cases again. But those cases existed.
Take a look at the video library, and you'll find out people dying on the streets of Guayaquil. People who arrived at the hospitals with 100% saturation and suffocated. They never explained that because viruses don't do that. That's why it served as an alarm in the first phase. But they removed all that very early. Because any doctor, no matter how much of an asshole he may be —and look how a good club of them has been created—, no matter how much of an idiot he may be, he realizes that a virus doesn't do that. That's why they quickly erased that information. That never existed. They delete what they have no interest in. They quickly erase what they don't want to be known.
And that's because of what? Because they were causing it with antennas. Some had graphene in their bodies, and some didn't. But they were creating all this strange disease and mortality that caused and alarmed people with antennae. And then, they added the average number of yearly deaths, plus everything they did afterward.
But what surprised people was the effect that the electromagnetic fields caused in people, some with graphene, especially in residences —because those were vaccinated with the flu— and others in the street because the waves hit them directly, and they were fried, with or without graphene. This is what they died from in the first wave. The other waves were "pseudo-waves," attenuated. They didn't dare to do what they did in the first wave. But they kept the attention so that now when the last one arrives, the definitive one —which is the one that is going to kick-start the New World Order—, everybody is already prepared and assumes that there's a virus and a variant... They have worked very well for almost two years so that now you swallow what's going to come.
And in those two years, there have been people like Ricardo and myself. And we've seen what they have done. We've seen it, and we have discovered what they have done. And we're one of the few that know how they do this. That's why people come to the channel and don't know. But it's very simple to explain. Very simple. Very.
Dr. Sevillano recommends home EMF shielding if you live near an antenna
December 04, 2021
Given the number of antennas being installed globally, the number of COVID-19 cases, which are actually cases of acute irradiation syndrome as previously explained in La Quinta Columna, Dr. Sevillano recommends shielding from the electromagnetic frequencies. Inoculated individuals should be particularly careful since they carry graphene oxide in their bodies. Learn why in the new video that Orwell City has subtitled this time.
Ricardo Delgado: From the island of Gran Canaria, Dora says: "Can you tell me what's the coverage range of the antennas? I recently checked that the closest one to my house is located at about 500 meters. Thank you so much."
Dr. Sevillano: It's more than enough to have something to shield. It's the only thing that can protect you. As long as you get the mobile signal to your house, the waves reach you. What happens is that it's not the same as being close to an antenna as being at a greater distance. It's not the same because it doesn't reach you with the same energy. The energy of the wave that arrives isn't the same. So the damage isn't the same, but it reaches you anyway. And if you have graphene in your body, it's going to get excited a little bit later. Maybe a week later, but the antenna will continue emitting the signal that excites it. So, it's going to get excited little by little. Less violently, perhaps, than the one that's close by and receives all the energy shock. In that case, graphene will be excited abruptly. Then, the proximity is part of the factors of aggravation of the picture, and in terms of speed.
Electrofrequencies emitted by 5G antenna cause collision of hundreds of birds
December 10, 2021
A shocking video recorded in El Ferrol, Galicia, illustrates the effect that electrofrequency pulses emitted by 5G antennas have on birds, affecting their sense of orientation, causing the inevitable collision and subsequent death of many of them. These same wave qualities affect humans and can cause acute radiation syndrome and further complications if the graphene oxide factor is considered.
In the following video brought to you by Orwell City, La Quinta Columna explains what happened to this group of birds and why.
Ricardo Delgado: Let's see this video, José Luis. It's very shocking. And it's not exactly about people, but about animals. Specifically, about starlings in El Ferrol. See what happens because someone, probably a follower of La Quinta Columna, had the opportunity to record a video with a cell phone camera that not all of us have, capable of capturing between 14 and 15 megapixels. And this is saving us a good amount of audiovisual testimonies about what happened the precise moment those starlings fell in the vicinity of the hospital in the city of Ferrol, Galicia. That is, let's watch the video and judge for yourselves.
It says: "A video shows —COPE published it— the strange attitude of the starlings that died in Caranza when they collided with each other." Remember that this is in the vicinity of the hospital, just behind the courtyard where we found a telephone antenna. Remember this because this is the firing pin weapon. Let's take a look at the video, I'll zoom in because I don't know if I can put it in full screen, so I'll zoom in. Zooming in to 200%. Well, here I think we're more or less going to see it. Here it goes. Let's see if the video loads. It says: "A video that has just been made public shows the strange attitude of the starlings that died around nine o'clock last Friday, November 26, in the neighborhood of Caranza. In the absence of official confirmation as to what caused the death of about 150 specimens, the graphic work captured from the Hospital Ribera Juan Cardona shows how the flock of birds collide in mid-flight, and how part of them fall straight to the ground."
The strange thing about this case is the collision in mid-flight of the starlings, something that some of the experts consulted by COPE Ferrol cannot explain. The investigation rules out that the members of this flock died of avian flu". But man, how can they all die simultaneously from bird flu? Of course, that's nonsense. "Or by electrocution. This is what COPE Ferrol has been told by a source of the investigation." But they don't tell you what they died of. See? "They had trauma to their wings and legs. That is, they were in a decayed state and unable to fly." They crashed. "Which causes them difficulties to stand up. Faced with this situation, they were treated with force-feeding and mobilization of the fractures observed." That was what was done with those who were left half alive. "The corpses..." It says: " To determine if the cause of death could have been intoxication, samples were taken for toxicological analysis of the brain, heart, lung, trachea, kidney, and intestine, and the results are currently awaited. Several hemorrhagic lesions were observed in the intrathoracic area, larynx, and cranioencephalic region, seriously affecting the heart, respiratory system, and brain, but which cannot be related to a viral, bacterial, or parasitic infection. And so, the tests carried out confirm negative for avian influenza."
Man! They say it can't be linked to a viral condition and yet the omicron variant does affect your heart, right? That's what they're saying. And the brain, too, as they're telling us.
"The report also stresses that electrocution cannot be determined as the cause of death either since in such case, edema and burn necrosis should appear at the entry and exit points of the electric current."
They tell you what it isn't, but they don't tell you what it might be. You already know what it is. But the video won't load. I don't know why. Let's see. I'm going to adjust it a little bit more because it's shocking. I have already watched it before. And now I don't know why it doesn't load. I'll look for the exact moment, see if it's down here. Let's see. No, that wasn't it. Let's load the page again. Let's see if we have luck. These are inconveniences that happen in the live shows we do. Now. Well, there you can hear the sound of starlings. And now, there comes the moment when they start to move. Look, there they come out. Something has happened, and they all come out. And now watch what they do. There they collide. You see? And you can even hear the noise of the fall. Let's see, I'll play it again. Look at it. Let's see if it can be reproduced. Maybe having gone back a little bit has screwed up the reproduction. Let's see. It doesn't play. It takes a while to load. We know the internet is acting up more than it should. We'll play it from the beginning. Listen for the crashing noise at the moment when all the birds drop all at once if it loads again. Well, there they go. Notice here they collide disoriented, and you can hear the noise of when they fall on a plate or somewhere. I think there are more than hundreds of birds. And then some of them flee in a flock as if they have received the impact or the pulse of something. Impressive, isn't it?
Dr. Sevillano: Yes. They were disoriented. Surely all these changes in the behavior of the flock of starlings are due to a level of orientation and perception of the group that, surely, is disturbed when the wave reaches them. And surely, one group got "disconnected" and crashed against the other. That's what we have seen there. The flock, instead of being coherent in its evolution? There are two groups, one goes, and one comes, when in fact they had to go all in the same direction. Surely, there was an antenna nearby. It's probably in the hospital from which everything was recorded.
Ricardo Delgado: Yes, there is one. We saw it yesterday. There's one just about 80 meters from where this happened.
Dr. Sevillano: That's the one that has caused part of the flock to become disoriented. Part of it has become disoriented and echoes the other. They have fallen, as they say out there, in a straight line. I think that...
At the crossroads, all the ones that have been impacted have been left. They have been killed. That's why the lesions are hemorrhagic. But surely, you're not going to detect the reason why they've become disoriented. It's like dizziness. What sign can vertigo leave when you're subjected to that? It leaves you no sign. It simply throws you off balance. But there's no injury. There isn't. And it's the same with birds. The injuries are derived from trauma. That is what generates the hemorrhages that have been seen.
Suspected presence of Graphene Oxide in injectable Lidocaine
October 26, 2021
In a new program, La Quinta Columna has shared new optical microscopy images of injectables that they suspect may contain graphene oxide. On this occasion, they have observed drops of injectable lidocaine, an anesthetic widely used in dentistry. In the images obtained it is possible to see materials that fit the classic description of graphene nanosheets in optical microscopy. Here are the details of the analysis in the following video that Orwell City has prepared.
Ricardo Delgado: We're going to look at the microscopic images of different drops of injectable lidocaine. It's a local anesthetic, as I say, which is used quite a lot in an injected form in the world of odontology, the world of dentists. You have also asked me about this substance, and we have a lot to analyze. It's an optical microscopic approach.
You're going to see images that would have to be complemented, for example, with a Raman spectroscopy technique to see the identity fingerprint of each of these materials that we suspect are graphene nanosheets, for example. So let's start without further ado and based on the images. Well, each of you is the judge, as we always say here. I've got it over here. Here comes the video. This one, for example, is quite characteristic.
Remember the reliefs or the folds and the edges folded back on themselves. Here is the one on the right, which is the same one, does seem to be. This doesn't look like it, or it may well be metal. This one also has some resemblance. Now, you're going to see a video, an animation, so that you can see that there's movement inside the aqueous solution. You can see that there is a slight swaying.
I wouldn't dare to make a judgment on this one. This one looks like one too.
This one too. The one right on the edge of the drop. This one looks like one too.
This one doesn't. This one might be. The same thing.
Of course, it is. All this is going to be complemented with spectroscopy. We'll see the identity fingerprint of each material with the Raman technique, for example. It can also be done by infrared. Everything to rule out or corroborate, effectively, the suspicion under the optical microscope of that material is confirmed with Raman spectroscopy. In this case, to obtain the characteristic peaks of the material. If you like my articles and the videos you find here and, if you can and feel like it, you can make a small donation. Your support is always more than appreciated.
How can graphene oxide be activated?
December 09, 2021
While electrofrequencies are used to activate graphene oxide outside and inside the human body, there are also other ways to do so, such as sound or temperature. As a result of research carried out by the Spanish research duo of La Quinta Columna, it can be hypothesized that this nanomaterial would absorb any type of energy or signal.
In the following brief excerpt that Orwell City brings today, Dr. Sevillano explains this phenomenon.
Ricardo Delgado: This is a question by Dani from Esplugas, Barcelona. "Could graphene be activated with temperatures applying high electromotive force? (As an experiment)."
Dr. Sevillano: Of course, you activate it with temperature. And with electromagnetic fields that are neither high nor very low frequency. I get the feeling that graphene absorbs any electromagnetic field. Looking at the picture and what it does.
Ricardo Delgado: We have also seen experiments with sound. Graphene oxide activated with sound. I mean, it starts dancing, practically.
Dr. Sevillano: Yes, that's it. Yes, just like that. It's activated by anything that's energy. It doesn't have to be a precise quality of electrofrequency. However, I think these people know at what qualities the type of graphene they've put in is particularly toxic. They must have knowledge of it. That's why they play these kinds of qualities when they want to. But in reality, any kind of energy and certainly any kind of signal can be absorbed by graphene. Based on what we see what it does and how it seems to me that it absorbs everything it picks up. [RICK SAYS- hints of gray goo and demons that pick up any type of energy like parasites.]
Why do some inoculated people not get sick?
December 08, 2021
A commonly asked question to La Quinta Columna is why some inoculated people show no adverse effects after being inoculated, assuming that they weren't injected with any placebo and carry graphene oxide in their bodies.Below, Orwell City brings the answer given by Dr. Sevillano.
Ricardo Delgado: The next question says, "Why do some vaccinated people not get sick?" Assuming they carry graphene oxide in their body. There's a lot of variables.
Dr. Sevillano: The question is that the current dose they were injected, surely, doesn't carry the product since some people are vaccinated and don't express biomagnetism. But then, they can express biomagnetism and not get sick, for the moment. But they're exposed to the disease anyway. Remember that soccer players are jabbed or vaccinated, and the guys are there, maybe for two, three, or four months playing and running at full speed. You know how much these people force the "machine." Until one day, arrhythmia appears.
That is, it's a matter of time for the graphene oxide to structure or organize itself around the heart and start generating anomalous currents and circuits. It needs time. But other people, as soon as they go out for a walk, take a few steps and drop dead. Or others, two or three days later, they develop pneumonia and are admitted to the hospital. Or they can develop thrombi. In other words, it's fast.
What does it depend on? Well, probably, on the amount of energy absorbed by the graphene. Those who live near antennas absorb very quickly and can drop dead, generate thrombi, heart attack, etc... And those who play a lot of soccer, but perhaps aren't very close to antennas, their heart begins to change because of the energy introduced into it. It depends on the energy. If you have graphene in you, it depends on the energy with which your heart is being charged. Hence the variation from one person to another.
Still don't get how the so-called 'waves' are created? La Quinta Columna gives you the rundown
December 07, 2021
A few hours ago, La Quinta Columna briefly explained again for its new followers the real cause of the famous "waves" caused by the never isolated, never purified, and never sequenced SARS-CoV-2. What's today known as COVID clinical picture is nothing more than an acute irradiation syndrome (ARS), with the difference that patients present bilateral pneumonia (COVID lung). This type of pneumonia would be caused by the graphene oxide located in the lungs once electronically excited through non-ionizing radiation emitted by 4G, 4G Plus, and 5G antennas.
Orwell City invites its readers to listen to Dr. Sevillano's words. Needless to say, all the information he mentions can be further elaborated by taking a look at the site's archive.
Ricardo Delgado: COVID-19 disease isn't caused by a biological agent of the coronavirus type. There's no sequencing of it. No one has cultured or purified this agent. In fact, it's the Acute Irradiation Syndrome (ARS). Alright? We talked about it in the video presentation. Throughout many programs on La Quinta Columna, you'll be able to have a major summary. But we can say...
Dr. Sevillano: Basically... Basically, people die due to different reasons every year. And add to that a small number —until now, there were no massively vaccinated people— who were vaccinated against influenza near antennas.
Ricardo Delgado: That's right.
Dr. Sevillano: Those are the ones who presented the strange clinical pictures that made everyone's hands on their heads. Those were the ones, and they were very few. There were even other cases —and everyone had forgotten about them—, cases of people dying in the street because they couldn't oxygenate. Those cases were never explained because if they had been,they would have had to confess that they had increased or changed the frequency of the antennas. So you never saw those cases again. But those cases existed.
Take a look at the video library, and you'll find out people dying on the streets of Guayaquil. People who arrived at the hospitals with 100% saturation and suffocated. They never explained that because viruses don't do that. That's why it served as an alarm in the first phase. But they removed all that very early. Because any doctor, no matter how much of an asshole he may be —and look how a good club of them has been created—, no matter how much of an idiot he may be, he realizes that a virus doesn't do that. That's why they quickly erased that information. That never existed. They delete what they have no interest in. They quickly erase what they don't want to be known.
And that's because of what? Because they were causing it with antennas. Some had graphene in their bodies, and some didn't. But they were creating all this strange disease and mortality that caused and alarmed people with antennae. And then, they added the average number of yearly deaths, plus everything they did afterward.
But what surprised people was the effect that the electromagnetic fields caused in people, some with graphene, especially in residences —because those were vaccinated with the flu— and others in the street because the waves hit them directly, and they were fried, with or without graphene. This is what they died from in the first wave. The other waves were "pseudo-waves," attenuated. They didn't dare to do what they did in the first wave. But they kept the attention so that now when the last one arrives, the definitive one —which is the one that is going to kick-start the New World Order—, everybody is already prepared and assumes that there's a virus and a variant... They have worked very well for almost two years so that now you swallow what's going to come.
And in those two years, there have been people like Ricardo and myself. And we've seen what they have done. We've seen it, and we have discovered what they have done. And we're one of the few that know how they do this. That's why people come to the channel and don't know. But it's very simple to explain. Very simple. Very.
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