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January 15, 2022 6:52 pm
You wrote “Before you cheer at the death of modern globalization, realize that it is intentionally being murdered in order for the Great Reset, aka Technocracy, to rise up out of the ashes”. QUESTION: Does not Technocracy require it’s own version of a supply chain? Why would Technocrats destroy the existing supply chain only to replace it with another one? Why not just hijack the current one for their own ends– a soft coup? In effect… a little bit of reset a bit-at-a-time instead of great one?
Patrick Wood(@patrickwood)
Reply to Rick in Phoenix
January 16, 2022 7:49 am
All they are doing is letting the car run out of gas by shutting down trade. The car doesn’t disappear and can be restarted when gas is added back into the tank.
Rick in Phoenix
Awaiting for approval
Reply to Patrick Wood
January 20, 2022 8:48 am
It’s possible that Technocrats are simply mistaken in viewing the economy as a car… a machine… as the illustration above has “gears”. Your introduction above refers to an economy as an organism. An economy is “more-like-an-organism” and can no-more-be “shutdown-for-2-weeks” let alone 2 years… than someone can be asked to “stop-breathing” for 2 minutes– or 2 months. They have it all fundamentally wrong– and it’s very simple:…. the economy is NOT “like” a machine.
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