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7/29/2022 11:23 am  #1

RickPotvinOriginalReport--> Local autoshop's cousin in med buys covid

Rick says- I'll detail this a little later today, this post being a marker.
Local autoshop's cousin in med buys covid

Briefly, the cousin is professional and brainwashed-- but as always I too maintained friendly pro demeanor and found out his weak spot is not knowing the inventor of the PCR test Kerry Mullis who subsequently died under mysteriours circumstances. The cuz said if the PCR not vaid, its a big deal, would negate all... which was insightful of him. I'm now on my 5th drink and my roundstakes are done so... that was my story today.

7/31/2022 10:08 am  #2

Re: RickPotvinOriginalReport--> Local autoshop's cousin in med buys covid

UDPATE to add more to this story
The cousin, I'll call Cuz... cited New England Journal of Medicine, on matters of the value of vaccine and reality of the corona virus. I don't think our conversation was more specific than that. I looked up that journal which I've obviously heard of and looked at but my latest gander shows no reference to the main issues involving covid or vaccines. Their web page looks like a popular science site now instead of an academic journal. Then I found this article about how journals are no good now. I've known that to be the case for decades of course. They're all in big pharma pockets. So are the agencies like ADA, APA etc.  The Cuz simply buys into the mainstream position like everyone else with a paycheck to defend,  no matter that it leads to hell on earth and the complete disregard for actual truth.

The vast majority of pharmacology, psychiatry, vaccine science and published research is a complete fraud
Posted on July 31, 2022 by State of the Nation   

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