Rick Potvin's Interesting Topics / Email: rick_potvin@yahoo.com
I'm currently trying to see if posting by visitors has been enabled. Will report back soon Jan 9, 2025.

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2/28/2023 8:42 pm  #1

RickPotvinOriginalReport---> Dan stopped me & wanted to talk.

In 2020, I made flyers to hand out warning people I could break the ice with that the covid scam was a scam. A guy recognized me a few days ago from then and said he recognized me. He thanks me for talking to him back then and I updated him on the latest. We talked at Walmart grocery near the checkout stand. I'll expand this report in coming days. Suffice it to say that there was observer I didn't trust or like who was wearing a mask. I didn't keep my voice down as I talked to Dan. I should think twice about doing something like that again I think. I was just so happy to talk. I was surprised I could talk non-stop but the topics all linked forward non-stop in my mind, like a data-dump or stream-of-consciousness. At one point, I realized what I was doing, stopped myself and shook Dan's hand and made a joke that he laughed at. He enjoyed it too.

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