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4/03/2023 6:59 pm  #1

CanadianTruckers(a year ago)---> Declaration

4/03/2023 7:00 pm  #2

Re: CanadianTruckers(a year ago)---> Declaration

← NWO Psychological Operation Against the ‘Useless Eaters’ (Video)
HERE: Read the Truckers’ Declaration
Posted on February 5, 2022 by State of the Nation   
Truckers’ Declaration

We, the Truckers Of America, declare that whereas:

The “killer virus” is a mild flu

The Covid “vaccine” is a gene-modification treatment,
harmful, often deadly, and damaging
to the immune system

The Covid “vaccine” is unnecessary because cheap, effective
remedies exist; administering these
dangerous experimental jabs to children is
especially evil and violates the Nuremberg
code of 1947

The PCR test is totally fraudulent and can’t
differentiate between COVID-19
and the seasonal flu, as the CDC and
WHO now admit after two years; The
tests mostly give false-positives and were
rigged to do so

The PCR swabs are invasive, potentially damaging to the
olfactory nerve, and contain toxic

The case data generated is meaningless junk, as the authorities now

The masks are totally useless, increase the risks of
disease, and can damage children’s brains
by cutting off the supply of oxygen

The vaccine mandates are illegal, unconstitutional, and violate
our fundamental human rights and the
Nuremberg code of 1947

The vaccine “passports” are illegal, unconstitutional, discriminatory,
go against science, and violate the
Nuremberg code

The news media is the PR agency of Big Pharma,
purveying disinformation and lies about this
plandemic 24/7

The “Fact Checkers” are the paid mouthpieces of Big Pharma,
disseminating untruths and misinformation

WE HEREBY DECLARE that we are not leaving this city until our demands are met, as follows:

* No more mandates

* No more gene-based “vaccines”

* No more bogus diagnostic tests

* No more masks

* No more health passports

* No more censorship by the lying News Media and Social Media—
All the scientific findings by truth-telling doctors
and researchers must be fully presented to the public.

* Full compensation by the vaccine manufacturers
and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to every person
injured by the COVID-19 “vaccines” or their bereaved families.

Our demonstration is totally peaceful and lawful. If any disturbance occurs it is the result of FBI dirty-tricks as occurred at the so-called “Capitol riot” of January 6, 2021.


* * * * * *

Submitted by a Concerned Citizen in solidarity with America’s Truckers and Truckers Worldwide.

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