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1/02/2025 7:44 am  #1

MikeKingRealHistory---> Replay of covid for normies to discredit it?

Anti-NY Times

December 31, 2024 / January 1, 2025

About this Bird Flu Scare

In this period of Q "replay," we see the very same media outlets replicating the very same initial buzz of Covidmania 2019-2020. The difference this time around, of course, is that White Hat Productions is running the psyop. 

Recent NY Times Headlines:
Bird Flu Samples From Very Ill Patient Had ‘Concerning’ Mutations
How Worried Should We Be About Bird Flu?
Avian Flu Has Hit Dairies So Hard That They’re Calling It ‘Covid for Cows’
20 Big Cats Die From Bird Flu at a Washington Sanctuary
California has declared a state of emergency over the virus. We asked experts how concerned they are.
Rebuttal By
It was exactly this time of year, five years ago, that Fake News had begun to predictively program the captive subjects of Normiedom with a daily low-level buzz about some nasty little pathogen that had jumped from a "bat ™ (rolling eyes) in a "wet market" ™ (rolling eyes) to a human in Wuhan, China. That the bug was eventually coming to America, via Air China, was presented as an inevitability -- a given. The only questions were: "How contagious and how deadly will it be?" The rest of the Stupid-19 farce is, as we say, Fake History --- well known to "youse guys" by now.
Now, in this period of Q "replay," we see the very same media outlets replicating the very same initial buzz of 2019-2020. The difference this time around, of course, is that White Hat Productions is running the psyop. To what end? We won't say with certainty -- but we will say, with certainty, that this fake pandemic scare is being run for the same reason (whatever that may turn out to be) as the fake assassination attempt scare, the fake World War III scare, the fake migrant invasion scare (the migrants may be real but the situation is under control) etc. We are being shown, in play-acted form, exactly what the Deep State Cabal had done and would have done, if still in business. So perhaps, in due time, ALL of these scares will "backfire" (by design) on a Deep State which has, for the most part, already been obliterated. Like Q said, repeatedly: "Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. You must show them."
Recreating the criminal insanity of Covidmania.
Be afraid!
Although the emoting idiocy of 2020-2021 has died down, convincing normies that they had been played for fools during that mendaciously moronic mania would still be very difficult. The egos wouldn't allow it. But what if an attempted "replay" of the scare were to totally fall flat this time, or even trigger a public pushback leaving the conspirators (framed) exposed for all to suspect? Would that not open avenues for then revisiting the Fake Science and Fake News of Stupid-19? Could that be what this growing buzz about a coming Bird Flu "pandemic" is all about? There has to be some motive for this White Hat play.
Let's wait and see how this particular scene in the movie plays out.
The real Dr. Fauci and the real Dr. Birx are dead and gone, we believe. But their reverse-aged White Hat stand-ins are doing the rounds promoting the coming Bird Flu "pandemic." Why?

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