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Rick says... Wow, this "guy" Vivik Murphy-- is a real odd looking "guy"... and sounds odd too... and given the transexual news I've watched by Junglesurfer on youtube, it seems to me "he" is really a "she".... AND she/he is calling for more attn to be drawn to to unvaxxed... on the same day BumblingBiden... is calling unvaxxed out as murderers. My response is -- to remind people of the old adage "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad". These two lunatics are indeed mad men.
That was Euripedes quote
Vivek Merphy's finger length... male and female humans have a specific trait that JungleSurfer pointed out years ago... I've forgotten the exact analysis but here we see the middle finger is the same length as the 4th. The index finger is shorter than the 4th. I'll be back soon with a conclusion. Also look for the Adams Apple... there doesn't seem to be on e in this photo.
There does seem to be an AA [adam's apple] here.
Apparently there is an official govn't booklet from him on misinformation re: covid-- which probably refers to things like my own forum here. So that's where we are: Challanging official govn't approved information is MIS information because, of course, by definition, to these wackos, the government is always correct. Notice his stupid publication is called CONFRONTING "misinformation".. not "CHALLENGING" or "REBUTTING" or ARGUING or COUNTERING... but CONFRONTING...
I wonder what THEY say is IN the so called "vaccine"??? And why don't we hear about it having to be really cold to store anymore? Like minus 90F? I think it was.
Would you take an injection from this "man"?
Of course, it's always "encouraging" to see people in authority make that Satanic Horn Handsign, isn't it?
I've been interested in medicine from around the world... but having an East Indian top doc is a bit much for me...
Yikes again.
Are we looking at the same guy? Notice the crooked tooth on this Viv Merthy... compared to that last photo with perfect teeth.
I'm afraid we have a nutty surgeon general...
Nutty Professor and his vaccines
"We must find the unvaccinated and confront them!"
"Graphene Oxide is Good for you!!! Why are you objecting to being injected with it?"
"What is IN the vaccine? WHAT is in it? What exactly do you mean what's IN it?"
"I got my injection this morning... why do you ask? "
"Experiment Use Authorization granted so here... we... go... we can experiment on ALL of MANKIND!!!! ".
Vivek Merphy in... "The Nutty Surgeon General".
Surgeon General
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