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Rick says-- Way back early in this NWO TERRORIST ATTACK on the USA and the WoRLD at large... and here in Phoenix, I personally encountered shmucky morons who would say to me "We're a private company, we can do whatever we want" when trying to insist I mask up on entry... I told them NO THAT ISN"T TRUE (thinking you stupid schmuck to mysefl)... because there is a Constitition including Bill of Rights.. not to mention Natural Law... and Civil Rights Act... and HIPPA laws... but these NWO CDC WHO OBEDIENT DRONE-HUMANOIDS... ... simply IGNORE all past laws... including courts, judges, Lawyers, attorneys, corporates CEOS, employees, managers, City employees, county employees, sheriffs... priest in the local parish here.... who I had an exchange with... my Guitar Center manager... Guitar Center owners... They're ALL "gone"-- mentally... no discussion, no debate...holy bat-crap, Batman!
They are going to roll out vaxx passports in America, under the guise of “private companies can do whatever they want to anyone.” The government will of course demand that every chain business, including Walmart and other food stores, start requiring proof of vaxx to enter, then they will claim that is the “right of a private company to choose who they do business with.”
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