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Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » MikeKingRealHistory---> Replay of covid for normies to discredit it? » 1/02/2025 7:44 am

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Anti-NY Times

December 31, 2024 / January 1, 2025

About this Bird Flu Scare

In this period of Q "replay," we see the very same media outlets replicating the very same initial buzz of Covidmania 2019-2020. The difference this time around, of course, is that White Hat Productions is running the psyop. 

Recent NY Times Headlines:
Bird Flu Samples From Very Ill Patient Had ‘Concerning’ Mutations
How Worried Should We Be About Bird Flu?
Avian Flu Has Hit Dairies So Hard That They’re Calling It ‘Covid for Cows’
20 Big Cats Die From Bird Flu at a Washington Sanctuary
California has declared a state of emergency over the virus. We asked experts how concerned they are.
Rebuttal By
It was exactly this time of year, five years ago, that Fake News had begun to predictively program the captive subjects of Normiedom with a daily low-level buzz about some nasty little pathogen that had jumped from a "bat ™ (rolling eyes) in a "wet market" ™ (rolling eyes) to a human in Wuhan, China. That the bug was eventually coming to America, via Air China, was presented as an inevitability -- a given. The only questions were: "How contagious and how deadly will it be?" The rest of the Stupid-19 farce is, as we say, Fake History --- well known to "youse guys" by now.
Now, in this period of Q "replay," we see the very same media outlets replicating the very same initial buzz of 2019-2020. The difference this time around, of course, is that White Hat Productions is running the psyop. To what end? We won't say with certainty -- but we will say, with certainty, that this fake pandemic scare is being run for the same reason (whatever that may turn out to be) as the fake assassination attempt scare, the fake World War III scare, the fake migrant invasion scare (the migrants may be real but the situation is under control) etc. We are being shown, in play-acted form, exactly what the Deep State Cabal had done and would have done, if still in business. So perhap

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » BurningPlatform -->Warpspeed derailed concentration camps for unvaxxed » 12/23/2024 7:17 pm

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BurningPlatform -->Warpspeed derailed concentration camps for unvaxxed

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Author AdministratorPosted on November 17, 2024Categories Economy, Politics, Social IssuesTags FEMA quarantine camps, Operation warpspeed   

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 17, 2024 7:17 am

There must be a pony in here somewhere.

hardscrabble farmer
November 17, 2024 7:34 am

…plus a kitt

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » Robert Malone --> Vaccine promoters still crazy after all these years. » 12/14/2024 9:09 pm

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RSV Vaccines for Children: Still Crazy After All These Years
Robert W Malone MD from "Who is Robert Malone
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Dec 14 at 4:37 PM
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RSV Vaccines for Children: Still Crazy After All These Years
Vaccine-enhanced disease raises its ugly head again. When will they ever learn?
Robert W Malone MD, MS
Dec 14



Stories matter; they form the foundations for how we define ourselves and our relationship with the world. Over time, fact-based stories are often transformed into myths. There are stories that define the public perception of vaccinology and the practitioners of this art. The mythic genius and heroics of Edward Jenner, involving clear-skinned milkmaids, cowpox, and the Smallpox vaccine, is the origin myth for modern western vaccinology. The competitive race between Drs. Salk and Sabin to save the world’s children from Polio is another.

But vaccinology also has its dark stories. The approved COVID vaccine narrative that will pass down through time is still either disputed or being negotiated, depending on your point of view, but I suspect history will not be kind to Operation Warp Speed and its gene therapy-based prophylactics that prevented neither infection nor disease from SARS-CoV-2. Unfortunately, these products did cause myocarditis, stroke, a variety of blood clotting disorders, and at this point, God only knows how many other problems, including both sudden and delayed death. Most vaccinologists are still in denial about the facts of this story.

The first licensed rotavirus vaccine was withdrawn in 1999, within a year following FDA authorization and introduction, due to its association with a complication called intussusception in which a vaccinated child’s bowel would sort of fold into itself, a tube within a tube, resulting in life-threatening intestinal blockage. Left untreated, this leads to a horrible, painful death.

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » RickPotvinOriginalIdea + NewTarget -> Snake venom might be "spikeproti » 12/05/2024 9:05 pm

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RickPotvinOriginalIdea + NewTarget -> Snake venom might be "spikeproti

Rick says-- This covid story seems to be in background all the time now and I've been thinking that with the new threats of a new pandemic and the UN/ WHO attempts to control the response to it, that maybe this snake venom story that I first saw a few years ago might be worth considering more seriously. I originally wrote it off as so bizarre as to not think about it.  The NewTarget story linked above indicates that snake venom might be used for more than I thought, which obviously is absurd but we're in a world of absurdities now.

Here's my original thought--> You cannot rely on reports of virus or even spike protein. You have to consider symptoms as they're reported. We have online symptom analyzers that are pretty good lately. There are lots of causes for particular symptoms. A primary cause of symptoms reported as being caused by covid are actually in common with radiation poisoning. So we should be considering radiation poisoning rather than a virus that has never been seen under a microscope. A great source of radiations is 4 and 5G and wifi lately.
See the Invisible Rainbow book by Furst.. on this.

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » JeffreyTuckerOnBuringPlatform--> CDC Planned National Quarantine Camps » 11/15/2024 1:45 pm

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CDC Planned National Quarantine Camps

Guest Post by Jeffrey Tucker

The plan was to enforce this with a vaccine passport. It broke. Once the news leaked that the shot didn’t stop infection or transmission, the planners lost public support and the scheme collapsed.

No matter how bad you think COVID-19 policies were, they were intended to be worse. Consider the vaccine passports alone.

Six cities were locked down to include only the vaccinated in public indoor places. They were New York City, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

The plan was to enforce this with a vaccine passport. It broke. Once the news leaked that the shot didn’t stop infection or transmission, the planners lost public support and the scheme collapsed.

It was undoubtedly planned to be permanent and nationwide if not worldwide. Instead, the scheme had to be dialed back.

Features of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) edicts did incredible damage. It imposed the rent moratorium. It decreed the ridiculous “six feet of distance” and mask mandates.

It forced Plexiglas as the interface for commercial transactions. It implied that mail-in balloting must be the norm, which probably flipped the election. It delayed the reopening as long as possible. It was sadistic.

Even with all that, worse was planned. On July 26, 2020, with the George Floyd riots having finally settled down, the CDC issued a plan for establishing nationwide quarantine camps.

People were to be isolated, given only food and some cleaning supplies. They would be banned from participating in any religious services. CANADA ACTUALLY HAD SOME OF THESE IN OPERATION.

The plan included contingencies for preventing suicide. There were no provisions made for any legal appeals or even the right to legal counsel.

The plan’s authors were unnamed but included 26 footnotes. It was completely official. The doc

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » StopWorldControl.com---> Vax released 1.5 yrs early on purpose » 11/09/2024 1:10 pm

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StopWorldControl.com---> Vax released 1.5 yrs early on purpose

Stop World Control
This website informs humanity about the agenda for world domination. Please share it.
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The world is under attack! Multibillionaire criminals are setting up a New World Order that will impose worldwide tyranny. Sign up and learn how to defend yourself.
The secret reason why Trump released the vaccines 1.5 years too early
trump vaccines warp speed

This post reveals the secret reason why Trump had no choice but to release the covid vaccines 1.5 years sooner than the cabal had planned, in order to save America and the world from total destruction.

Trump was asked to run for president by high level military intelligence services who are fighting against world tyranny. Trump's background in the inner circles of the cabal, and his decision to not go along with their evil plans, gave him insider knowledge needed to take them down.

He was informed that the pandemic was coming, and learned that the cabal's plan was to have two full years of ongoing lockdowns.

This would wipe out the economies of the world and pave the way for a Great Reset, resulting in permanent worldwide tyranny. The agenda was to suppress all treatments for the pandemic disease - because the world must stay in lockdown for two years. After those two years, a vaccine would be released.
The pandemic agenda

✔︎ Release the pandemic

✔︎ Suppress all treatments

✔︎ Two years of lockdowns

✔︎ Devastate the nations

✔︎ Wipe out the middle class

✔︎ Impoverish all people

✔︎ Transfer all resources to the cabal

✔︎ Make humanity dependent on them

✔︎ Release vaccines after two years of lockdowns

✔︎ Be praised as the “saviors” of the world

✔︎ Establish permanent worldwide tyranny

Trump and his allies were aware of this agenda, yet had no way of stopping it. The cabal had prepared their plan for decades, and had

Deep State is helping to fake race war. » Haitian 3rd world culture parachuted into Springfield eating cats. » 9/24/2024 9:52 pm

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Haitian 3rd world culture parachuted into Springfield eating cats. Looks like DHS and UN is financing replacement of Americans with foreigners... who get credit cards, houses, cars and "comfort" while US citizens get pushed aside. All neighbourhood cats have disappeared and there are many reasons to believe Haitians non-US-culture 3rd worlders are doing it... so this famous song dedicated the cats of Springfield OHIO.


APS Utlility Tries Forcing Indigenous/Juneteenth On Me » Latest bill has doubled in cost... looks like they got back at me. » 9/24/2024 9:47 pm

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Latest bill has doubled in cost... looks like they got back at me. I'm analyzing kw-hrs and extra charges... and I might be wrong but it looks like they intentionally screwed me for refusing a new meter in pricing way beyond normal. Still double checking though. Summer heat in Phoenix brutal and I expected higher cost but not this much. MIght be revenge by APS meter managers.

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » Rick Potvin---> Boardhost added extra layer of security making it... » 7/23/2024 7:16 pm

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Rick Potvin---> Boardhost added extra layer of security making it... impossible for me to approve posts with my old browser. I really ouught to update from 2005.

APS Utlility Tries Forcing Indigenous/Juneteenth On Me » They backed off. » 6/12/2024 6:32 pm

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They backed off.

I got a letter today indicating that it's up to me. Up to this point, it appeared as though I had to switch. My emails, which I'll publish here later, must have had the desired effect.


APS Utlility Tries Forcing Indigenous/Juneteenth On Me » My Million Dollar Lawsuit Against APS for Changing My Electric Meter » 6/12/2024 8:48 am

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I don't think I should be forced to participate in indigenous or junteen holidays via my electric meter. That is retarded beyond belief. Leave my electricity alone. I've always paid my bill and will continue to pay it. The elctric comapny can read the meter every month by kilowatt hour and that's that. If they wish to give me discounts, they can do so but tying it in to fake no good holidays is an insult.

APS Utlility Tries Forcing Indigenous/Juneteenth On Me » Personal Note to APS --> No need for me to participate. » 6/11/2024 9:55 pm

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Personal Note to APS --> No need for me to participate.

There is no need for me to celebrate indigenous day and juntteenth... the meter you have in place already measures power. I've been a customer for 28 years. You've switched meters on me a few times lately and I'm done with your switcheroos and political meters. You can measure the power using the meter you have on there now.

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » Robert Malone---> Overview of the fallout from scamdemic & solutions » 4/28/2024 9:22 am

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In Praise of Nationalism and the Diversity of Nations
Robert W Malone MD from "Who is Robert Malone
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Apr 28 at 7:18 AM
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In Praise of Nationalism and the Diversity of Nations
Robert Malone Address, 28 April 2024, Make Europe Great Again Conference, Bucharest, Romania
Robert W Malone MD, MS
Apr 28


In Praise of Nationalism and the Diversity of Nations

I come here today to praise nationalism and the diversity of nations as laboratories for innovation and adaptation to changing conditions.

There are many lessons that we can learn from the COVID crisis, but one of the key ones has to do with “what is globalism”. We toss this term around, we never seem to define it. It's as if it's amorphous beast. We can't put our hands around it. Globalism is central planning. Romania understands central planning. The former residents of the Soviet Union understand central planning. We understand the harm that comes from central planning, from bureaucrats determining our future, making decisions about how a nation state, an economy of people, should adapt to changing conditions.

Central planning is also associated with cultural homogenization, the drive to create one culture, which is basically driven in the current case by intentional destruction of diversity to reduce economic friction.

This globalization thrust is basically to support the agenda of transnational, globalist organizations, particularly corporations in their cooperative relationships with large transnational governmental organizations. This public private cooperation has a name. The name was given by Benito Mussolini. We know this name. The name is Fascism. We should call it what it is. One of the things that has happened throughout the COVID crisis, and throughout this entire process of globalization and harmonization, is the weaponization and perversion of language. We hav

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » ForbiddenTV.com---> Deagal revisited... CovID-killplan still ACTIVE24 » 3/23/2024 7:52 am

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ForbiddenTV.com---> Deagal revisited.
2 out of 3 Americans Gone by 2025!
Forbidden Knowledge TV
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Mar 23 at 5:07 AM

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2 out of 3 Americans

Gone by 2025!

Dear Rick,

In 2014, Deagel.com came to my attention, due to a spate of YouTube videos, which showed openly-available pages on their website, predicting the future population numbers, GDP, Purchasing Power Parity and military expenditures for every country.

Deagel described itself as a cross-reference of openly-available thank tank predictions from numerous branches of the US military, the IMF and others. In 2014, the numbers predicted the effects of the collapse of the Western banking system, leading to the decline in the US population from 318M to 78M by 2025 and the US economy going from #1 to 13th in the world.

I revisited the website several times over the years. Their predictions were constantly updated and ever-changing, before they took their forecasts offline in 2021, during the height of the vaxx rollout, when people began connecting Deagel's forecasts with the mandated Death Shot.

In 2021, Craig Paardekooper obtained their forecast data before it was taken down and he calculated the percentage of population reductions for each country and then rank-sorted each country in order of largest population reduction, concluding that the mass slaughter by vaxxines is occurring overwhelmingly in countries inhabited mainly by people of European descent.

He wrote:

"My hypothesis was that the cull would have an epicentre, centred in the countries/powers who were running the pandemic – namely the G7. I also hypothesised that those countries making the vaccines would [be] right at the heart of the slaughter. Here are the results of my calculations...

"My hypothesis was that the cull would have an epicentre, centred in the countries/powers who were running the pandemic – namely the G7. I also hypothesised that those countries making

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » JordanSchachtel----> 4 Years to Slow the Spread. » 3/20/2024 8:50 am

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Four Years To Slow The Spread: As America goes, so goes the world
Still, the American people remain the bulwark to future global tyranny.
Jordan Schachtel
Mar 19
This week marks four full years since the world shut down, and a dark cloud of tyranny quickly enveloped the whole world. Four years ago, the Trump Administration made the fateful decision to initiate the infamous policy guideline titled, “15 Days To Slow The Spread.”
We didn’t know it at the time, but that moment would mark the functional end of the Trump presidency. A pandemic/plandemic couldn’t have come at a worse time for President Trump. At the time, he had finally regained his mandate, after the corporate media and the American administrative state waged a series of relentless black propaganda sabotage campaigns against the legitimacy of his White House. Trump was handicapped by all kinds of nonsensical allegations, but had finally seemingly broken free from the assault, until the Covid era swept all of that away. But it’s unfair to blame the sweeping global power grabs on one man, who merely made the same catastrophic mistake (for most of the world’s tyrants, however, it was merely just leaning into their impulses, and not a political mistake) that every other world leader made.

Nonetheless, that moment marked the end of any organized powerful resistance to the “solutions” our central planner betters had planned for us. America fell into the pit of madness, and remained in that state of disruption for the next few years.

In his recent books, the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab dedicates lots of space to attacking Americans who won’t confirm to his agenda, knowing full well that we make up the greatest quantitative bulwark to the technocratic tyranny that the Davos class seeks to impose upon the masses. Unlike anywhere else around the world, there are still tens of millions of Americans who believe deeply in our country’s foundational principles. We possess the stronge

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » ThePeoplesVoice.com---> ABSTRACT.ARTICLE about “VAIDS” » 2/07/2024 6:10 am

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or “Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome”.
or... ABSTRACT... from
...the Covid-19 vaccines damage the immune system...  As you can see the case rate has been astronomically higher among both the double and triple vaccinated... But vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person....when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weaken over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time....But unfortunately, the third jab hasn’t improved things because these figures show the average triple vaccinated Canadian has lost 72.96% of their immune system capability,...Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome....As you cans see the death rate has been lowest among the unvaccinated... AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the name used to describe a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that happen when your immune system has been severely damaged....Unfortunately, official Government of Canada data indicates that a large proportion of the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated population have now developed Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, (AIDS) or a novel condition with similar attributes that can only be described as Covid-19 Vaccine Induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).....

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » LeoHohmann ---> CyberPolygon cyberattacks to be coup-de-grace » 12/13/2023 9:11 am

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

WEF warns 2024 likely to Bring ‘Catastrophic’ Cyber Event

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Tuesday, 12-Dec-2023 09:14:41

        Why, if I was a suspicious person, I'd think they had this all planned out!! :-)


        Could this be the latest predictive programming, similar to ‘Event 201’ was for the Covid pandemic?

        Leo Hohmann – leohohmann.com Dec 10, 2023

        As we approach December 31, you will inevitably hear people across the world celebrating the end of another dreadful year and cheering on the arrival of brighter times in 2024.

        It can only get better, right?

        I beseech you, dear readers, not to participate in this fantasy. We should expect and prepare for things to get worse before they get better. The globalists who run the world have told us in the wide open what they have planned and it’s not pretty.

        The year 2023 was no cakewalk, for sure, but it could very well be the last year in which we enjoyed a semblance of normalcy. There was no pandemic. War broke out but it didn’t come to our shores. Our paper money still buys food for our Christmas table and energy to heat our homes, even if it’s more expensive than in previous years. The fact that this worthless fiat paper is still capable of being traded for food, shelter and other hard assets is a blessing that might not be available to us one year from now. You might want to take full advantage of this while you can.

        With the world’s superpowers remaining far apart in terms of how we move forward into a new era marked by artificial intelligence, digital currencies and total information awareness (i.e. the surveillance state), we should expect that the globalists will succeed in pushing the world closer to full-blown World War III next year. When the powderkeg finally blows, that war will come to U.S. soil.

        We also face the destabilizing effects of an

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » Makow--> We're all suffering from PTSD from fake pandemic. » 12/11/2023 7:03 pm

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December 10, 2023

(left, the Illusion of freedom)

We act as though the most traumatic events of our lifetime never happened.

There are many symptoms of pandemic-related PTSD.

Denial should be listed as one of them. It isn't. We are in denial.

Is denial the way people should handle trauma? We have all been scarred,
not just by the hoax, but worse, by the fact that society betrayed
us in the most egregious way. Nothing we were told is true.
There has been no reckoning. The perps have not been punished.
We're still pretending it didn't happen. JFK, 9-11...what else is new?

By Henry Makow PhD

The Satanists behind the Plandemic now deny that anyone was forced to take a vaccine.

They want us to forget the lockdowns, the social distancing and the masks.  Forget the arrests of people sitting on park benches or alone at the beach. Forget the beatings of people who refused to wear masks. The firing of people who refused the jab.  The vaccine passports and travel restrictions. The invasive and toxic PCR tests. The seclusion of loved ones in nursing homes. The poisoning of loved ones with Remdesivir. The restrictions on all gatherings. The closing of bank accounts of convoy protesters and their supporters.

They suppress reports of adverse reactions and deaths from the "vaccines." This denialism makes sense. They want to escape blame and punishment.

What doesn't make sense is the denial we are seeing in the alternative media. There is hardly any reflection upon the most traumatic experience we have ever had.


(Woman arrested for not wearing mask at football game. Cheerleaders are unmasked)

The real trauma, greater than the lockdowns and fear porn is the realization that our democracy and freedom are a hoax. We have no "human rights." Our leaders all serve the WEF, a satanic cult, not us.
[They can pull a similar manuever anytime they want, any day now]

"There never was a virus. There was n

Ice Age: 2046 on Crater-Earth / Greater FlatWorld Plane & "Plane-nettes" » Fires--> Enterprise, NWT » 9/09/2023 8:01 pm

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Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » World Pandemic Treaty by WHO must be nixxed... there was no pandemic » 7/30/2023 9:10 pm

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World Pandemic Treaty by WHO must be nixxed... there was no pandemic

The pandemic was part of a world wide coup by NWO and so the latest mechanism the World Pandemic Treaty needs to be sidelined and dropped. See p. 43, ISA catalog.. "The coming WHO amendment and Pandemic Treaty Designed to Enslave You". VD $25. Order #4414.

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