Rick Potvin's Interesting Topics / Email: rick_potvin@yahoo.com
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Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » ABCnewsLocalPhoenix----> Headline: Walensky: Pandemic of unvaxxed » 7/21/2021 6:59 pm

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Rochelle Walensky, also known as yellow hen slacker (recombinant, anagram) Isn't she one of those super-emoters
who can turn on the crocodile tears like a faucet?, They are all such inveterate liars, propagandists, criminals...
Lost souls who seem to want to first do great harm!
A great big heap of psy-pro, psychological projectionism. She should take a look in the mirror. 
Thanks for the photo review, Rick! Now, to make my pine needle tea, which I have been drinking with
pleasure and no toxic repercussions. I love the refreshing taste of organic ascorbic acid.

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » AmazonSearch--> pine needle tea to stop covidvac spike protein » 5/13/2021 4:43 pm

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Hello Rick, intrepid innovator and excellent idea generator!
I tried to post yesterday, but the text disappeared when I went to preview...so, today, I logged in and 
hopefully this one will get through. Firstly, I would like to know why people have yet to overwhelm your 
site or even that with so many responses to pine needle tea I seem to be, after you, of course, the first
to respond. So be it. I love pine wood, pine cambium (the nutritious inner bark), pine cones, pine nuts
(muy delicioso y nutritioso) and pine needles--I cook with the needles, have yet to try making tea.
I know that they contain lots of vital C and  other healing compounds. Thank you for remembering the
value of pines. What I would like to know is which species of Pinus  are appropriate for tea. I planted a
Torrey Pine (pinus torreyana) about ten years ago and the tree is now about twenty-five feet high and 
producing nice fat cones, with nice fat pine nuts, yummy. The needles are very long, 9-12" and I think
that I will harvest some and make some tea.  I will let you know how that works. Om Shanti

Rick says-- BE CAREFUL... don't use your tree before more research... Ponderosa Pine is apparently non-toxic as this latest SOTN article points out... but observe how tricky and complicated this line of thought is...

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » Ontario Civil Disobedience Alliance---> Let's break the rules. » 4/22/2021 9:34 pm

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To break from the trammels of a notion, to break on through to the other side, hunger broke stone walls,
to bring something new, to create any original art, music, dance, idea, construction technique, et al, is to 
break the rules. That is freedom of the soul...Soul Shakedown Party...Last year, February 2020, I was
planning a music party, which got rudely shoved aside, so this year I am planning a party three times bigger than the intended size of last years' preempted hoedown. I will send an invite to you when the date
is calendered.  These super-scoundrels are such  party poopers, shame and indictments upon them!
Of course, going without a mask is now breaking the rules, Hallelujah! Thanks for the reminder, Rick!

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » RightToBreatheAgency---> The inalienable right to breathe-- as an angl » 4/15/2021 10:42 pm

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Hola!  Rick! 
Well, sometimes I just want to shout at people to stop abusing their children with incubatories,
sufficatories and psychologically damaging masking, hiding from the truth, and getting uptight with me
because I breathe free.  Definitely some MasKULTRAjedy going on, massive delusional psychosis,
makes me want to cry. I just have to keep wits about me and radiate love and let creativity flow...Thank you, Rick for all your good work and keep on breathing freely as free as a bird flying in the air.

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » MASK BLOWBACK needs to be taken to town/city/county councils. » 11/13/2020 11:32 am

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Okeh, Now, that makes sense...by the way, on Jon's  forum/lyceum, my nom de plume is yerba buena, as
that is a name of one of my favorite plants, a medicinal wild mint, also the original name of San Francisco,
because the plant grew all over there. I can affirm that individual people have the power to change things
on the city council/planning commission level, I spoke at a planning commission meeting thirty-odd years
ago to protest a developers' intent to tear down one house and build two in its place. Three of us in the
neighborhood spoke, and...we won, the two-for-one deal was turned down, Power to the people!
Maskless in Carmel, yay! Keep up the great work, you've got a great site here. 

Covid&CyberPolygon is part of TECHNOCRACY COUP » MASK BLOWBACK needs to be taken to town/city/county councils. » 11/13/2020 1:02 am

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Thank you for this creative enterprise allowing free-wheeling conversations of various genera and
species of thought. I started a post reply on the mask blowback, but lost it somewhere, so I will just
briefly state that  1) I have not worn a mask in public at all, 2) civil disobedience is essential, and
3) where is the Brown Act in regards to secret meetings, given that some people are not able to
participate online due to no computer or internet access, part of the war on the poor, and on the
electro-sensitive. And please forgive my personal message, I thought I was addressing the rick in
arizona piano guy who posts on Rappoports' lyceum NMFN (no more fake news). Anyways, just
getting my feet wet on your interesting site. Thank you for your initiative and galvanic thoughts.

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