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Hola! Rick!
Well, sometimes I just want to shout at people to stop abusing their children with incubatories,
sufficatories and psychologically damaging masking, hiding from the truth, and getting uptight with me
because I breathe free. Definitely some MasKULTRAjedy going on, massive delusional psychosis,
makes me want to cry. I just have to keep wits about me and radiate love and let creativity flow...Thank you, Rick for all your good work and keep on breathing freely as free as a bird flying in the air.
massive delusional psychosis-- you might be right there.
makes me want to cry-- I've gone through various reactions but lately my favorite is to mostly ignore maskers, try no to look at them especially in the eye-- only at their legs to be sure to avoid them... and to meet and greet the rare non-masker with a "hello, you're not wearing a mask like me!" and a big smile-- using my religious objection lanyard as a conversation starter. It works.
I just have to keep wits about me and radiate love and let creativity flow...-- situational awareness at all times.
Thank you, Rick for all your good work and keep on breathing freely as free as a bird flying in the air-- Yes- the "inalienable right to life, liberty and happiness (originally property)" might be usable as another argument-- that the inalilenable right to life must include free-breathing since life requires breathing. I wonder if I should look up and contact the "breatharians" who apparently don't eat but live purely on air-breathing. Also I could ask technical experts what happens if you put a mask over a jet-turbine engine or a grille on the front of a car... and correlate that to the mask.
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